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They'd been going out for about a month but Makoto was still a little shy. Makoto knew Sousuke loved him and he loved Sousuke but he was still nervous about getting intimate. Makoto had never been with anyone because he was self-conscious about his tail getting in the way. He knew he didn't have to worry about what Sousuke thought but Makoto was still nervous.

He wanted to be intimate with Sousuke, he really did, he had even made a special date with Sousuke. He just wondered what it'd be like. Any romance novel would fantasize the act, but did it really feel so romantic? Makoto was just too nervous, overthinking everything.

Sousuke came over that evening to take Makoto to dinner. They weren't going out this time, they were going to Sousuke's place, he was making dinner. It would be cozy and romantic and they would be alone. No parents, no younger siblings, just them. That's probably why Makoto felt even more nervous. He and Sousuke had been alone together but it wasn't quite the same. Being alone together at a restaurant or at school was nothing like being alone together in Sousuke's house.

Sousuke took Makoto to his house, it was a big, 2-story house with an old Victorian appearance. All the windows had the blinds drawn tight, well Sousuke was a vampire after all. Makoto gulped, "T-this is your house?"

Sousuke opened the wrought iron gate that closed off the path to the house. He let Makoto go first. "It's been in my family for a long time. I'm the only one left to take care of it."

"Does the rest of your family live here too?" Makoto thought they might not be as alone as he thought. The house looked big enough to house two families comfortably.

But Sousuke shook his head. "The elders live away from here, closer to other vampires. And my close family... well... I've survived them..."

Makoto hoped he didn't hit a sore spot by asking about his family. But if Sousuke survived his family, how old did that make Sousuke? Makoto couldn't keep himself from asking, "How old... are you?"

Sousuke laughed, he answered as they got to the door. "There are two answers to that question. My biological age is 18. My chronological age is 211."

"211?" Makoto almost didn't believe it.

Sousuke laughed, "That's what happens when you stop aging, time just keeps going even if you stop growing." Sousuke opened the door and let Makoto inside.

Once through the double doors, Makoto stood in a grand entryway. The candles lining the walls were the only source of light, but Makoto could still make out elegant filigree around the door-frames. Sousuke led Makoto into a room close to the front. It was the dining room, candles were everywhere, decorating the tables and walls. Makoto was awestruck. It all looked so beautiful, like it was right out of a book. Makoto breathed, "This is beautiful."

Sousuke stood behind Makoto, wrapping his arms around him. "I'm glad you like it. I put all the candles up just for tonight."

"It's so..." Makoto was so happy that Sousuke had gone through so much trouble for their date. "Romantic."

"I'm glad." Sousuke kissed him on the cheek before pulling him toward the table. Makoto looked at the food, it smelled delicious.

Makoto sat down next to Sousuke, "This is so sweet. I love you so much."

Long after dinner, Makoto and Sousuke were cuddled up together on an old fainting couch in front of the fireplace. Makoto ran his fingers along Sousuke's arms, "This really is amazing."

Sousuke just smiled. He leaned closer to Makoto, their faces inches apart. Sousuke brought a hand up to hold Makoto's cheek. There was a quiet moment of them looking into each other's eyes before Sousuke pressed his lips to Makoto's. He kissed him gently at first, Makoto pressing back into Sousuke. He turned a little to wrap his arms around Sousuke better. One of Sousuke's hands traveled down Makoto's back, holding him closer. He started to kiss Makoto more hungrily, running his tongue along Makoto's lip. Makoto immediately parted his lips, letting Sousuke's tongue explore his mouth.

Sousuke slipped a hand under Makoto's shirt, slowly running his fingers up Makoto's chest. He stopped at Makoto's pecs, feeling the muscle. Makoto could feel his face heat up and he couldn't hold back a small moan. Sousuke smiled, "Makoto..."

Makoto decided to be brave. He wanted to be close to Sousuke, he wanted to feel Sousuke's skin on his skin. "Sousuke... Love me." Sousuke didn't say anything, he just got up and picked Makoto up. He held him bridal style as he walked out of the sitting room and brought him to a bedroom.

[A/N: if you wanna read the rest of that sex scene it's posted as chapter 14.5 in Nocturnal Creatures [Unrated]
ALSO! Today's update is kinda equivalent of 3 and considering it's three in the morning, we'll see what I manage tomorrow... XD]

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