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"Like hell I'm going to let you leave." Sousuke gently took Mariko out of Makoto's limp arms and handed her to Makoto's mom, "Please hold her."

Makoto's mom had tears streaming down her face but she still took Mariko. She recognized the determination in Sousuke's eyes. Sousuke laid Makoto flat on the bed before getting on top of him. He sat with his knees pinning Makoto's legs and his hands grabbing Makoto's arms. Makoto's mom's eyes widened, "S-Sousuke?"

"I need to keep him restrained," he answered her unspoken question. Sousuke twisted his head to the side, his eyes glowing neon red and his canine teeth sliding out of his gums. That was the first time she had seen Sousuke as a vampire like that. It scared her. There was a ferocious look in his eyes as he opened his mouth wide and bit down hard on Makoto's shoulder.

Sousuke just hoped that he had done it in time. He needed to drink Makoto's blood to be able to replace it with the venom. Sousuke kept sucking on Makoto's shoulder, draining the blood left. Sousuke had been right, Makoto was delicious. But he couldn't get carried away, he needed to make sure that Makoto got enough of the venom. It was taking too long, why wasn't Makoto coming back. Sousuke kept going with the process, it had to work, it just had to.

[A/N: thank you for the 200+ votes and 2.2k reads ^^]

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