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"What?" Sousuke didn't know how to process what he had just heard.

Makoto hid his face in his hands again. Through sobs, he said, "I'm so sorry!"

Sousuke reached up and took Makoto's hands away from his face. He was serious when he asked, "Is it really true?"

Makoto nodded and took a step back to show Sousuke his rounded belly. Makoto was quiet when he said, "I know it's weird and I didn't know this could happen... I'm sorry." Makoto's ears and tail drooped.

"Makoto, don't be sorry." Sousuke took a step closer to Makoto.

Makoto lowered his head, resting his hands over his belly, "But it's all my fault."

Sousuke couldn't stand to hear him talk like that. "Makoto. Look at me." His commanding tone made Makoto look up, tears still coming out of the corners of his eyes. Sousuke took Makoto's face in his hands, "This isn't your fault. We're both involved. I'm the one who should've been more careful."

Makoto's eyes widened, "Sou...suke..." Sousuke smiled gently and wiped away the tears on Makoto's cheeks with his thumbs.

Sousuke leaned his forehead against Makoto's, "I will be here with you every step of the way."

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