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Makoto was sitting in the dressing room, so nervous he was shaking. His mom was helping him get ready, today was the big day. Makoto had been able to set everything up so that they'd be able to get married in less than a week. It was going to be a small ceremony but that was all that Sousuke or Makoto really wanted. Especially since Sousuke had one person to invite and Makoto only had his family and Haru, they didn't need a big ceremony.

Makoto wasn't as nervous about being in front of people but about being able to control himself. It had only been a few days since his last vampire episode. He didn't want it to happen again. Makoto was trying to button up his shirt but his hands were too shaky to do it. His mom came over and finished it for him and after finishing tying his tie, she handed him the white jacket to go with his white suit. She smiled, "Don't be so nervous sweetie."

Makoto let his hands drop, "But what if it happens again?"

"It won't sweetie, just try to stay calm," she smiled and tousled his hair. "Just focus on the ceremony, you're getting married after all." Tears started to form in the corners of her eyes, "You're growing up so fast."

Makoto hugged his mom, "Thank you for being here through all of this."

"Of course! You will always be my baby," she smiled up at him but for some reason it just made Makoto more nervous. He felt like he knew something would go wrong, he had bad luck that way.

When Haru, who was Makoto's best man or maid of honor, came in to alert Makoto that there was 15 minutes left, Makoto could feel himself slipping. It was like he had to struggle to hold onto his consciousness to keep from falling into asleep. It was more of a nightmare because when ever Makoto would shift, he couldn't control himself and he always wound up horribly violent. Makoto tried, he squeezed his eyes shut, his hands clenching the fabric of his pants.

His mom by now had recognized the signs of Makoto's shifts and immediately said to Haru, "Go get Sousuke."

"Isn't that bad luck," Haru didn't know what was going on.

Makoto's mom just said, "It's too late for that, go get Sousuke, now." Haru shrugged and quickly left the room, completely oblivious to the tension of what was happening.

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