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Makoto woke up to Sousuke stroking his hair. He had forgotten that he had stayed over at Sousuke's. He had been pretty wiped out after the excitement, he had fallen asleep in Sousuke's arms. As he woke up, he looked into Sousuke's teal eyes. Sousuke smiled, "Morning."

Makoto smiled and reached a hand up to rest it on Sousuke's cheek. "Morning." He put his forehead against Sousuke's, "I... wondered what it would be like for a while."

"Was it like you what you expected?" Sousuke rubbed his hand along Makoto's back.

Makoto curled up closer to Sousuke, "It was better."

Sousuke smiled, "I think it's because we love each other. It makes it more than sex, it's making love." Makoto snuggled closer to Sousuke, that was exactly how he felt. He didn't ever want to leave Sousuke's embrace.

[A/N: this is short to make up for yesterday being long (and mostly because I am dead tired right now T_T) but get ready for some intense SouMako feels!!]

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