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Makoto stood at the back of the ceremony, in the middle of the aisle, his mom right by his side. Makoto couldn't help getting nervous again. He didn't usually stand in front of so many people and definitely not with his ears and tail showing. But all the people there knew about it because he didn't want to have to hide that on their wedding day. He wanted to be calm. He looked over the guests and then up to the front where Rin, Haru, Minister Lee and Sousuke were standing. As soon as he saw Sousuke he felt a lot calmer. As long as he could focus on Sousuke, everything would be alright, he just knew it.

Makoto began to walk down the aisle, there weren't too many people so it wasn't too long. Makoto was glad about that. When they got to the front, his mom left his side, he could see she still has tears in her eyes. Makoto kept walking to the front and took hold of Sousuke's hands. They looked at each other as Minister Lee started speaking and soon it came time for the vows. "I understand that Sousuke and Makoto have composed vows that are significant to them."

Sousuke started, "Makoto, I promise to always be by your side, to love and protect you. You are my life, you are my forever."

Makoto was trying hard not to cry, especially when he spoke, "Sousuke, you accepted me and showed me things I'd never seen. You are my light and I fall in love with you more everyday. I promise to stand by you forever, until the end of time."

"Exchange rings," Sousuke and Makoto did as Minister Lee said. Sousuke gently took Makoto's left hand and slipped the wedding band over his fourth finger and Makoto did the same. "I now pronounce you married. You may kiss the bride."

Sousuke quickly leaned in and pressed his lips to Makoto's. He wrapped his arms around Makoto and dipped him back. Everything else faded around Makoto, it was just him and Sousuke in this perfect moment.

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