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[A/N: thank you all for the 3k+ reads and the 300+ votes! That means so much to me! And thank you all who have read this along with me updating, your support and comments have really kept me going with this project. Now if this sounds like a closing remark then you'd be right because here is the final chapter of Nocturnal Creatures, I still have a couple parts I wanna do for the supplemental book, so look out for that if you wanna read it! Thank you again and without further ado, the final part]

Makoto was in Sousuke's arms as they left for their honeymoon. Makoto's mom was watching the baby for a week so that Makoto and Sousuke could be alone. Makoto didn't care where they went as long as he was there with Sousuke. Makoto laughed thinking about it, "It was just around this time last year when you dragged me to the school basement and asked me to marry you the first time."

Sousuke couldn't help laughing, "I was so entranced by your ears I couldn't stop myself from saying what I was thinking."

Makoto gave him a dirty look, "Is that why asked me?"

"N-no," Sousuke laughed nervously before adding, "Okay maybe a little." Makoto glared at him. Sousuke smiled and stroked one of Makoto's ears, he knew he loved that. "But then I got to know you and I knew I didn't want to live without you."

Makoto blushed, "Y-you're just saying that." Sousuke wrapped his arms tighter around Makoto. One hand slid down to rest on his ass which made Makoto blush more. But Makoto didn't really care, they were alone together in their hotel. Sousuke laid Makoto back on the bed, climbing on top of him. He started to kiss Makoto as Makoto wrapped his arms around him. Sousuke felt Makoto's hands trail down his back to the hem of his shirt and start to pull it up. When it was off and he looked back at Makoto, he could see the worried expression on his face. Makoto ran his fingers along the wounds on Sousuke's chest. The wounds weren't open anymore but they were still fleshy and far from scarring. Makoto whispered, "Will we really be okay?"

Sousuke put a hand on Makoto's cheek, bringing his face up to look at him, "Don't for one minute think that this was your fault."

Makoto could only stutter, "B-but..."

"It was mine. I should've shifted earlier but I didn't. I was still human when it happened and I wasn't fast enough to stop it." Sousuke was dead serious as he talked to Makoto, he wanted to protect Makoto even at the cost of himself.

Makoto could only look at him with wide eyes, was that really how Sousuke saw it? Sousuke smiled before he said, "I kind of like it when I get all cut up and you still worry over me even though we both know it'll heal. It makes me feel special."

Makoto narrowed his eyes and tried to look mad but he couldn't keep from laughing, "Sousuke!"

"Besides," Sousuke's look was a lot darker now, "I think we know a way for you to control it now."

"What do you mean?" Makoto wasn't quite sure what Sousuke meant but he knew that look in Sousuke's eyes.

"When I kissed you, you practically snapped right out of it."

Makoto's face turned a bright red, "S-Sousuke!" He stumbled over his words, "W-Why did you... Do that?"

"It worked didn't it?" Sousuke smirked before leaning down and whispering in Makoto's ear, "You were totally hot, it turned me on."

Makoto's face was burning, "S-Sousuke!"

"What's wrong? We're married now," Sousuke gently kissed Makoto before adding, "And besides, you're too cute when you're embarrassed."

"Well I..." Makoto looked down before looking back into Sousuke's eyes, "I just want to know it'll work. All the time."

"I think it will, you won't need it for all time anyways, you'll control yourself. It's just a matter of presence." Sousuke smiled, "And when you're able to control it, think of all the fun we can have." Sousuke paused before asking, "Makoto... I want you to shift again."

Makoto was instantly worried, "But Sousuke I... I haven't been able to do it whenever I want to and even if I could... I don't want to hurt you again."

"Makoto." Sousuke's eyebrows knitted together and he stared deeply into Makoto's eyes, "Trust me. I'll help you, I think you can do it."

"Sousuke..." Of course Makoto trusted Sousuke, he just didn't trust himself. But the more he looked at Sousuke, the more he realized that Sousuke would make sure they were both okay. "I trust you."

Sousuke smiled and kissed Makoto gently. He moved down to Makoto's neck and ran his tongue along the skin, causing Makoto to whimper. Sousuke breathed, "Just clear your mind Makoto." It wasn't hard, Makoto easily let everything else disappear from his mind as he just focused on where Sousuke was touching him. Sousuke whispered close to Makoto's ear, "It's just like waking up."

Sousuke was right, Makoto could feel something changing but it wasn't scary. It was natural almost. When Makoto opened his eyes again, he felt different, his vision was tinted and it was like he could see the heat rising off things. He looked over to the side and there was Sousuke, still there, but he looked different, he was in vibrant colors. When Makoto spoke, he could feel that his teeth were different, they were longer, "Sousuke?"

Sousuke smiled back at him, he had his red eyes and fangs too. "I think this is the first time this part of you has ever said anything."

Makoto was still in control. He could feel himself blushing but he knew that he wasn't going to be worked up and go berserk. "Sousuke..." He whispered, "What's different?"

"I think you just started from a better place." Sousuke smiled, "There's not just anger anymore."

"I think I'm starting to understand some of the things I can do," Makoto paused, "Thank you."

Sousuke's face hovered only inches from Makoto's. "Makoto, you're the sweetest thing," Sousuke kept glancing at his lips before looking back into Makoto's eyes. He didn't wait longer before he pressed his lips to Makoto's, both of them still vampires. Makoto wrapped his arms around Sousuke's shoulders, melting into his husband's lips. He couldn't believe that he had controlled the shift for the first time. He wanted to thank Sousuke so much, he wanted to thank Sousuke for the rest of his life. And now they could because they were married. Makoto tightened his arms around Sousuke, he loved it to be held in his husband's arms.

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