1 | you-know-who

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It's been one whole month since my father died. Lol, great first opening line, right? But it's true. Dead and deceased he is. But to be fair... it was for the better. Now that sounds very mean, but I am not the mean one here. You don't know me yet, but you're gonna have to take my word for it.

My father was a deranged man. He was strict, uptight, stubborn, negative and just overall a bitch. He controlled us, my brother, my mum and I. He always screamed at us for the tiniest things, never let us out of the house and especially... he never allowed us to attend Hogwarts.

I'm a witch. I know I'm one, because my mother is one too, and she made sure that we stayed connected to our magical roots despite what my father said. He was a wizard also, so you're probably wondering why on earth he wouldn't let us go.

Me and my brother wondered the same thing too to be quite frank, but once my father died, my mum spilled the beans.


1 day ago

"Right kids... I know it's been a hard month..."

"It really hasn't." Josh says.

"I agree brother. It's been the most easiest, relaxing month of my life."

My mum sighs. "Well, I've been meaning to tell you something for a while now." She clears her throat. "As much as I've been trying to keep you connected to magic, I've been hiding the truth, and not willingly. Your father forbid me to tell you, he didn't want you to get involved."

Josh and I sit there cross legged on my mums bed, looking at her intrigued. Of course dad didn't want her to tell us. He's always been so secretive. Correction: he used to be so secretive. He dead now though, what a shame.

"There was once a half blood wizard, named Tom Marvolo Riddle. Descended from Salazar Slytherin through the House of Gaunt. His father was a muggle, and was under a love potion when Tom Riddle was conceived. When the enchantment was lifted, his father found out that his mother was pregnant and left the two of them. But when Tom was birthed, his mother passed away." My mum takes a breath and Josh and I glance at each other in confusion.

Who is this Tom?

"Tom began attending Hogwarts, and was sorted into the house of Slytherin. He discovered his heritage, which only lead him to become a pure blood supremacist, and with that mindset, he unlocked the Chamber of Secrets, unleashing a dreadful creature, the Basilisk to kill muggle born students."

Josh and I gasp, never having heard such treacherous things occurring in Hogwarts. My mum only informed us of the good bits, and the fun she had when she was there.

"Later on in life, he killed more and more people, forming an army of Death Eaters. They were lethal. His next goal was to become... immortal." Our eyes widen. "He did this by separating his soul into seven parts, creating seven Horcruxes, one of them unintentionally and unknowingly made - Harry Potter."

"Who's he?" Josh asks, myself wondering the same thing.

"That'll be explained soon my dear. Anyways, Tom Riddle got rid of his muggle name and changed it to Lord Voldemort, a name known by the whole of the Wizarding World. People feared him so so much, that they wouldn't dare call him by that name. They'd either call him the Dark Lord or You-Know-Who."

"Why have we never been told this?" I ask her.

"I'll explain." She replies and continues. "Harry was the son of James and Lily Potter, who were part of the Order of the Phoenix, who were a group of witches and wizards, fighting against the Dark Lord. There was also a prophecy made that Harry would be the death of Voldemort, and this scared the crap out of him. So he went on a killing spree, and killed both of Harry's parents. Harry was there too when it happened, but he was only a baby. He also got hit by Voldemort, but somehow... he survived."

"No way! He was a baby though!" Josh exclaims.

"A very powerful baby." Mum shrugs. "He had a scar on his forehead from the strike shaped like a lightning bolt. Anyway, years later Voldemort is no where to be found, and Harry attends Hogwarts, learning all there is that needs to be learnt about magic. He was very famous. Everyone knew him as the Boy Who Lived. And then, there was the Battle of Hogwarts. That was just last year."

Our jaws drop.

"Just last year!?"

"Yes Josh. Just last year. Anyway, Harry found out that he was the last Horcrux, but Voldemort didn't know this. So when Voldemort killed Harry, Harry was sent to a place called Limbo, which is a state of being that exists after life and death." Mum explains, and I'm trying to consume all of this information without not believing her.

"Harry was there in Limbo with the Horcrux. He killed it, ultimately killing Voldemort."

"What a legend." Josh says.

"So I'm guessing... Harry's dead?" I ask.

"No. His spiritual being returned to Earth, and the battle was over."

"That's crazy you know." Josh gasps. "Wait so... why didn't we get told about this battle, about Harry and that Voldefart guy?"

Josh is only a year younger than me, but very much immature.

"Because... your father was part of it." She tells us, and a thought inflicts my mind.


"Yes darling?"

"Who's- who's side was dad on?"

She pauses and glances at the two of us, beginning to seem uneasy.



My father didn't want us to return to the wizarding world because of his mistakes. Because of who he was involved with. I couldn't believe it when my mum told me, that my father, Michael Dobrev, was one of them. One of those pathetic pure blood supremacists.

But then, I thought about my father. Thought about the type of person he was, and then it clicked to me. Yes. He would be the type. The type to kill innocent people.

It's painful to say but it's true.

And now that he's gone, Josh and I are allowed to do what we want.

Oh yeah, I'm going Hogwarts.

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