7 | a kind act

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It's the morning after the Slytherin party, and the morning after my encounter with Riddle in the Astronomy Tower. I'm sat outside in the courtyard, underneath a tree, going over some notes and textbooks so I can catch up with any work I've missed out on.

I try to remain focused, but I can't help but think about wha was said last night. How it all went down... I realise that... maybe Riddle isn't wrong. I know myself that Draco won't stop pestering me, and that the only way to fully get him off my back is by... ugh. I won't do it. I can't.

Fake dating Mattheo Riddle? That's just as bad as actually dating him. First off, I shouldn't be communicating with him at all in the first place, let alone be anywhere near him. I can't get involved, because if I do, it just shows that I'm...

It shows that I'm just like my father. Which I know I'm not. He made his own mistakes, which I'm not willing to make. And I will not break my promise to my mother.

Suddenly, a first year boy walks by, and trips over, his books falling to the ground. It breaks me out of my day dream, and I'm about to get up and help him up, when I see Riddle beat me to it.

I watch as he kneels down and checks the boys knee, to find it bleeding. He takes out his wand and casts a spell, and soon, it's healed. The boy smiles, and Riddle helps him up to his feet. He picks up his books and hands it back to the boy.

"Watch where you're going lad." He says, and taps him on the back. The boy scurries off with a smile.

My brain takes a while to process the scene that just unfolded in front of me. It confuses me greatly... did I just witness Mattheo Riddle being... nice? Kind hearted? Sympathetic? Thoughtful?

It can't be.

I cover my face with my textbook, and thankfully, Riddle doesn't see me and continues with his day, wandering off to Merlin knows where.

Bamboozled. That's what I am.

It's my second day here, and all I've seen from him is bad qualities... but today... he's shown me otherwise. Last night too, he seemed like he... I don't know? Cared? But obviously he was only asking to fake date me just to piss Malfoy off.

That was his only intention.

I decide to head to the library, a place quieter where I can regain focus. On my way there, I suddenly bump into someone. I'm relieved at first, because the hallways were getting too quiet, and may have needed help to find my way there.

But then, I'm not so happy when I find out it's the fake blonde who I've bumped into. Great.

"Malfoy." I say, looking up at him.

"Well, well, well."

"Yeah." I attempt to walk past him but he pulls me back.

"Where are you off to?"

"Away from you perhaps."

"You can pretend to hate me Dobrev, but deep down we both know you want me." He lifts my chin up and I whack his hand away.

"You're very touchy, aren't you?"

"You haven't seen the best of it yet." He smirks, taking another step towards me, even closer now.

"Why won't you leave me alone?"

"Because when I want something, I get it."

"You can't just have your cake and eat it you spoilt shit." I scoff and walk away from him.

"See you later." He calls out and I roll my eyes and continue walking.

Thankfully after a good five minutes of wandering, I find the library, and once I enter, I'm stunned at the beauty of it. The smell of paper and old books and furniture meet my senses and in awe, I quietly set my bag on one of the empty wooden tables where I assume students study.

I'm not shocked the library is empty at eight in the morning. I mean I'm only here to get an hour of study time in before class starts, to make sure I'm caught up with the curriculum.

I head over to the shelves and begin collecting books. I see one I desperately need a couple shelves above, so I stand on my tip toes and reach high for it. I struggle for a good ten seconds, and before I'm about to give up, I feel someone approach me from behind, reaching over me effortlessly as I feel their body lean against my back.

I see a veiny hand reach for the book, and I admire the silver rings they wear. That and the strong cologne that hits my senses immediately makes me recognise who the boy is. I turn around slowly and my guesses were right. Riddle.

He looks down at the book and takes a flick through it, a smirk forming on his face.

"You do know this is a third year textbook?"

I sigh and snatch it right out of his hands,
his eyes look down at me, and he looks even more amused now.

"No shit."

"So why've you got it? I'm sure you're not thirteen or something. That would make me a nonce."

"How would that make you a nonce?"

"Well it'd be kind of odd if my girlfriend is thirteen and I'm seventeen." He raises his brows and I scoff.

"Not your girlfriend." I begin to walk away, scanning the shelves for more books but he instantly follows along, falling into step beside me.

"So have you thought about my proposal?"

Saying no would be a total lie, because I most definitely have thought about Mattheo, and how I may have seen a different side of him today helping that boy. And I've also thought about how he may be right over the fact that Draco will not leave me alone if I don't do something.

Words won't stop Malfoy from pestering me. Riddle will. But I still need to be weary about him, he can't be trusted... but not just that. I do feel as if I'm betraying my mum. I promised her I wouldn't get involved like my dad did. I know I'm not him, but others might think I am, so I need to be careful who I associate myself with.

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