13 | healing

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"CAMILA FUCKING DOBREV!?" We hear someone scream, only to realise it's Pansy storming into the common room, coming from the boy's dormitories. Lol, I know where she's been.

"Yes babe?" I respond calmly and Enzo let's out a chuckle.

"Your dad killed my parents!" She shouts and my heart stops. She struts her way over until she's stood right in front of me, towering over me.


"It was him. You have the same blood as the killer of my parents!" She shouts. "And I know deep down you're just as evil as he is!"

"Pansy please, I have nothing to do with my father." I try to explain to her but she continues to cry and shout.

"No wonder you're such a bitch to me!" She screeches and I stand up, directly in front of her. We're only inches away from each other and I look at her dead in the eyes, and begin to speak very calmly and seriously.

"I'm sorry that happened to your parents, and that you had to go through all that, but what my father did has nothing to do with me. I never even knew the Hogwarts War happened until a couple of days ago." I explain and she slaps me across the face.

I hold my cheek with my hand and she attempts to swing again, but I instantly grab her hand and shove her away from me. I don't want to fight her, because clearly she's emotional, but there's nothing I can do to stop her from attacking me.

"MURDERER!" She exclaims and lunges for me once more, this time she successfully lands an aggressive kick right to my stomach and I still don't fight back. I hold my abdomen in pain and Riddle stands up.

He takes out his wand and casts a spell towards Pansy, which instantly makes her fall to the ground, and drift into a deep sleep.

"You okay my love?" He turns to look at me, holding my shoulders as he examines my body.

"Not the best." I laugh awkwardly, in pain in most places of my body.

"What the fuck was that!?" Enzo exclaims, holding his head in shock.

"She went mental." Theo says.

"Someone's been in her ears." Riddle states.

"I know exactly who." I tell him.

"Come on," he says, taking hold of my hand. "Let's go."

"Bye guys." I say quietly, looking over at an unconscious Pansy on the floor, as I just willingly agree to let Mattheo take me wherever.

"Bye Camila." The boys say.

"Where are you taking me Mattheo?" I ask him and he doesn't look back at me.

"Your dorm. You need to heal." He says and I follow him into my room. He shuts the door behind me and makes me sit on my vanity. He stands directly in front of me, between my legs, and says, "Lift up your shirt."

"What are you trying to do Riddle?"

"Nothing bad you moron,"

It's nice to see that he's back to his mean self when we're alone.

"I need to check your injuries."

"Oh." I say, and slowly lift it up, revealing my skin.

"It's bad." He shakes his head.

"Shet." I look down, watching him as he runs his hand across my skin, inspecting it.

"Mhm, you're all bruised up." He tells me and I sigh.

"Ah mayn, I would've fought back but it would've just proved her point."

"Yeah, you were smart for not fighting back I get why you didn't." He looks up at me. "But next time, she's facing the wrath of my magic." He says with a serious look on his face.

His eyes are locked on mine and he looks at me worriedly. My stomach does flips.

I don't question why he's caring so much, and instead appreciate the sentiment.

I let out a deep breath.

"What?" He asks.

"It was Draco." I tell him. "Pansy was with Draco just before she attacked me."

"And how do you know this?"

"When I was with George-"

"Camila don't start this again." He turns away from me but I grab his hand, pulling him towards me again.

"Let me finish."

"I'll make you finish."

I- Wait what-

"Uhm Mattheo, now's not the time."

"Sorry love, continue."

"Thank you." I sigh, and suddenly I seethe at the sudden sharp pain in my stomach.

"Are you alright?" He asks worriedly.


"Let me fix this first."

He takes out his wand and he presses one of his hands against my stomach, the feeling of his touch against my skin giving me goosebumps. He takes his wand in the other hand and mutters a spell, and slowly, the bruises start to fade away.

I can't help but gaze at his face, as he concentrates on healing me, only now realising that he has such soft pretty features. His eyes always seem to sparkle in any type of lighting, and his brunette curls and sharp jawline honestly-

I don't even know.

He's Mattheo Riddle.

"You're all sorted princess." He tells me.

"Thanks Mattheo." I let out a deep breath, feeling much better. I take a moment to look at him, standing between my legs, only now realising that how close we are is seriously doing something to me.

"You were saying?"

"Oh yeah... so George, Josh and I-"

"Who's Josh?"

I laugh a little. "You really are very protective over someone who's your fake girlfriend." I raise a brow. "Josh is my younger brother. He's in the year below us."

"Right. I need to meet him still."

"You do. Make him believe you aren't a terrible person." I point out and he nods.

"What does he think I'm some sort of monster?"

"I thought so too when I first started." I shrug.

"I'm glad you've seen the other side of me darling." He tucks a piece of hair behind my ear, with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Oh shush." I whack his hand. "I still think you're a demon."


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