33 | enemies again

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Camila's POV

My leg bounces up and down under the table as I nervously eat my food. A million thoughts are running through my mind right now, including the fact that Riddle is probably reading all of them too. That only makes things ten times worse.

I noticed since we came to the restaurant that the lady at the counter has been looking over at us quite often, and it's only built my suspicions of her. I don't know who she is, or what her problem is, but I know for a fact it's something got to do with Mattheo.

"Stop looking so miserable princess, your act isn't very convincing." Mattheo suddenly whispers into my ear, leaning towards me as he speaks in a low voice.

I look up at him with a glare and continue to eat my croissant, but as I do, he moves his knee next mine, the slight touch making me go crazy. What's his issue?

"Is your neck still hurting?" I ask, almost a mumble but loud enough for the boys to hear as they all look to Mattheo for an answer.

"Yes, but I'll live."

"Thanks to me." I roll my eyes and stand up. "Get up boys, we got a funfair to go to." As soon as I say this, Enzo's face brightens and he stands up almost instantly and follows me out of the hotel. As we're passing the lady at the counter however, with the boys following on behind us, she gives us a creepy smile.

"Stay safe." She giggles, and I notice Mattheo with a glare on his face. I attempt to ignore it and take the group to a funfair that's taking place nearby. They do it every year in the winter but it's the best. The ferris wheel has got to be my favourite bit.

As we're on our way there, I notice Mattheo looking slightly on edge, but I try to ignore it. I'm too angry with him right now so I shouldn't care. Once we've made it to the funfair, we wander about, looking at the different stalls and games, and small rides to go on.

"This is bloody amazing." Enzo says and I laugh a little.

"What do you want to do first Enzo?" I ask him.

"I have no idea. Maybe eat?" He shrugs.

"We just ate dumbass." Theo whacks him on the back of his head. "I say we go on the rocking ship."

"No fucking way." I laugh nervously. "Last time I went on that I nearly threw up. Never again."

"Well myself Enzo and Blaise could go on it? You could have a wander with Riddle if you'd like." Theo suggests and I take a glance at Mattheo who's just looking about, not evening focusing on the conversation. What's up with him?

"Fine, have fun guys! And don't throw up." I tell them and the three of them head over to the queue, leaving me stranded with him. "Great." I sigh.

"Not the best situation to be in." He says, finally something I can completely agree with.

"It's like you can read my mind." I laugh, and he lets out a breath.

"You hate me, don't you?"

"Something like that."

"Brilliant. Let me win you a bear." Is all he says, and walks off to a game stall, leaving me stood there in surprise, watching him in his black hoodie and cargo pants receded into the distance. I follow him and look at him confused.

"You what?"

"I'm gonna win that." He says, pointing to the biggest teddy bear on display and I scoff.

"Don't bother." Is all I say, and he ignores my words completely and pays the man who's stood their impatiently. He hands him three darts, and I watch Mattheo stand there with full concentration, before he throws one, and it effortlessly reaches bullseye.

My mouth opens partly but I shut it, pretending to act unbothered or amazed. He doesn't deserve that sort of attention right now.

He picks up the second one, and does it again, looking completely effortless. He looks down at my with a smirk and I roll my eyes, pretending to examine my nails.

After a couple of seconds, I realise he's hit bullseye again and the man gasps, looking at him in shock. "Congrats boy!" He cheers, and I notice the biggest smile on Mattheo's face, as he passes me the teddy with a grin.

"Like it?" He asks with a bright smile, and I can't help but smile back a little.

"Mhm." I nod, my eyes locked on his for a couple of moments, holding the massive teddy in my arms. "The question is how am I supposed to carry it?"

"Bit of a you problem love." He says with a smirk, and continues to walk elsewhere as I hurry along to catch up to him. I shove him a little when I catch up, and he chuckles. "Where to next?"

"We have to go on the ferris wheel." I tell him and he looks towards the huge wheel a bit ahead of us. "No."

"Why on earth not?" I ask, and he shakes his head, hands in pockets.

"It looks like it could kill us."

I let out a laugh, and look up at him, only to realise he's being serious. "It's a spinning wheel Mattheo, don't be silly now child."

He stops and raises his brows, looking sternly at me as I stand there with a grin on my face. He tilts his head in question and I hide my face with the huge bear.

"There's no way this girl just called me child." He shakes his head in disappointment with a sigh, before continuing to walk to the ferris wheel, a smile forming on my face.

"We're going then?"

"We are."

"Thanks. Still mad at you though." I say with a sigh.

"When are you not?"

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