39 | wait and see

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"It's like you don't even wanna kiss me." I say disappointed.

"Oh, trust me love." He let's out a breath, a grin on his face. "I want a lot more than just a kiss."

"Is that so?" I ask, titling my head.

"Mhm." He nods, and he holds my cheek with his hand, his thumb gently stroking my skin. "Just waiting for the perfect time."

"Right... so you're just going to tease me whilst I wait?"

"Basically." He shrugs.

"Ugh, you're so annoying."

"Ugh you're so annoying." He mimicks me, and I lightly slap his face.

"Prick." He holds my waist and pulls me closer to him, our bodies meeting. His hands around me giving me butterflies.

"There's a party tonight in the Slytherin common room." He tells me, as he sways us side to side.

"There hasn't been one in a while." I say intrigued.

"No there hasn't. That's why you should come." He says. "With me."

"Hmm..." I pretend to think about it. "But I'm so tired after our trip."

"Camila, please." He asks politely and I step away from him with a smirk.

"Well, you'll have to wait and see." I shrug and he rolls his eyes as I head for the door.

"Don't do that to me."

"You're making me wait for a kiss." Is all I say, and open the door and leave. If he can tease me like that, then I can make him chase.

I remember where I was off to before Mattheo abruptly dragged me into the classroom, and so I make my way to the library and take a seat at an empty table. I set my things out and get ready for work.

As I'm completing some practice questions, I hear some shuffling in front of me, as someone takes a seat opposite me at the table. I look up to find Hermione Granger settling down with her things. She gives me a soft smile and I smile back. "Hey Hermione." I whisper.

"Hi Camila." She replies. "I haven't seen you around in a while."

"I know, been busy." Is all I say.

"Is Malfoy still bothering you?" She asks and I look at her puzzled, confused as to how she knows about that.

"How do you know about that?"

"I can spot things like that." She says. "It's happened to a lot of girls, including me."

"Oh..." I say sadly. "I hope you're alright."

"Oh I'm fine. He doesn't dare come near me anymore. You know, since after the war."

"Ah, that makes sense." I whisper. "But yeah he's stopped... ever since I started-" I pause. "Ever since I started dating Mattheo he's kept his distance."

"Oh yeah, you and Riddle. I heard about that." She says, and looks down at her book and flips to the right page.

"Mhm." I say.

"You should be careful Camila." She tells me, and I let out a slightly annoyed chuckle.

"As everyone's told me." I sigh. "He's not his father."

"Of course he isn't, but he was a death eater too. Just as Draco was." She states and I'm about to say how Mattheo was never on their side, but I remember that it's not my secret to tell.

"Right. Well, he's changed. He's just a regular boy." I say to her. "He's annoying yes, but he's sweet at times."

"As long as he's good to you."

"That's all that matters." I say, and that's when I notice someone else approaching our table. I look up to find George sitting down beside me with a smile, and he gives me a side hug.

"Camila, I missed you." He whispers, and I smile.

"I missed you too George." That's when I remember what I had been told, about how he had a twin who was killed in the war. I reminded myself not to bring it up, since it'd only make him feel sad.

" 'Sup Granger."

"Hi George." She smiles, and gets back to her work, something I should be doing.

"Have you heard about the party tonight?" He asks me and I nod.

"The Slytherin one? How do you know about that?"

"Oh they're inviting everyone. Like all the houses. It's gonna be mental." He tells me and I smile. "You coming?"

"Well I got invited."

"By Riddle I assume?"

"Yes, by Riddle." I sigh. "Don't know if I can be bothered going or not."

"You should come." George tells me. "Where I go, you go."

"Fair enough." I laugh. "I'll go."


"HUSH!" The librarian shouts, and Hermione's face scrunches in fear.

"Ooh sorry." George laughs.


Astoria and I get dressed for the party. She sorts my hair out and I do both of ours makeup. We look stunning, to say the least. We both decide to go matching in silk mini dresses. Mine in red and Astoria's in lilac, her favourite colour.

"Pansy's going to be fuming." Astoria giggles, twirling around in her dress.

"Why's that?"

"Because we're matching, and we look hot." She says and I nod in agreement.

"She's defo going to be fuming."

Suddenly, there's a knock on the door and Astoria's cheek flush red. I watch as she goes to open it, and I realise Theodore is stood there, wearing a white button up shirt with the top like FIVE buttons open, black suit pants and a silver watch on his wrist. He looks good. He flashes me a smile and then looks down at Astoria.

"You look stunning ange-" he pauses for a moment, giving me a quick glance and thinks again. "Love."

I bet you £50 he stole that one off Mattheo.

"Thanks Theo." She smiles, and I wiggle my brows at him.

"Well this happened quick." I say to them and he chuckles.

"Nothings happened." Astoria shrugs. "He just invited me to the party silly."

"Yep." Theo adds.

"Right let's go, come with us Camila." She tells me but I shake my head, deciding to let them two go off on their own.

"No, no you guys go I just need to get something." I smile and Theo gives me a concerned look.

"You sure Camila?" He asks and I nod.

"Yes yes, now shoo."

They leave and I stand there in my dorm and look at myself in the mirror, sorting myself out. I'm glad Theo and Astoria are getting along, they would make a cute couple. But seeing them, only makes me wonder where Mattheo is. He hasn't checked up on me. He should've done, since he asked me to the party.

I brush it off and sigh, and make my way into the common room, the room filled with loud music and packed with students from all houses. The lights are off, and instead flashing disco lights light up the room. I notice a bar set up at the side, led lights surrounding it. All types of drinks are laid out and I realise the bartender is George. I smile when I see him and make my way over to him.

As I'm walking, I feel a hand on my stomach stop me from walking further.

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