16 | most wanted boy

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"Mattheo come on, it's time to get up." I groan, trying to push him off of me.

"Fine." He groans and rolls over to get off of me, but he doesn't realise that there's no more room beside him, so he instantly rolls off the bed and onto the floor.

I burst out laughing when he screams, "OW!" and I look down at him laying on the floor holding onto his head in pain.

"Are you alright?" I manage to make out inbetween my laughter.

"You're so mean Camila. At least help me up." He says, sounding kind of sad. I feel guilty so I hold out my hand for him to grab and as soon as he holds mine, I feel myself being flung onto the floor, landing directly on top of him.

"HEY!" I squeal, and try to hold myself up, only to find that our bodies are connected. Everywhere.

He lays on the ground, his elbows holding him up slightly as he looks at me with a smirk. "The question is, are you alright Camila?"

"I can't lie, if I landed anywhere else I wouldn't be." I say to him and I notice his eyes widen a little at my comment.

I am the rizzlord.

"Wow, okay. So you're enjoying this right now?" He raises a brow.

"Analyse the situation Riddle. Looks like you're the one who's enjoying this more." I take a glance down and back up at him, and he instantly knows what I mean.

"Fuck off." He laughs with a huff, pushing me off of him.

"Got you there."

"Well I got you last night, but that's a whole other story." He smirks, looking up at me once I've stood up.

I gasp and immediately turn around and head straight for my bathroom. Before I close the door, I turn back and say to him, "get up off your ass, we're getting late."

"Okay, mother." He rolls his eyes.


Once I'm out of the shower, I enter my bedroom to find that Mattheo has gone. So I begin to get changed for the school day, putting on some light makeup, blow drying my hair and straightening it.

Once I'm ready, I'm about to leave my dorm but Mattheo beats me to it, when he swings the door open. He stands there, takes a moment to look me up and down, and then reaches out his hand for mine.

He sighs and says, "Come on love. Let's go get breakfast."

I look at him confused for a second, but with an enthusiastic smile, I take his hand and I swear I feel my stomach flip. I follow him down the stairs and into the common room, only to find multiple Slytherin students hanging around.

Their attention immediately is brought towards the two of us, and as expected, the whispers begin. I smile at some of the Slytherin girls who I had met before and they smile back, before continuing to look at us and whisper amongst themselves.

Fake ass bitches.

"Ignore them my love." Mattheo whispers into my ear. I turn to look at him and he gives me a reassuring smile.

He puts his arm around my shoulders, and the two of us continue to walk to the Great Hall. The walk there wasn't so bad. I realised that the whispers and dirty looks didn't bother me much, I mean the reason it was happening was because I got with the most wanted boy in our year.

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