26 | anxious

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"George, it's go time."

"It is indeed Camila." He smirks and we both sneak into Pansy's room. We start to rummage and search for the letters my mum sent me, which she stole. I knew I could rely on George to be my partner in crime to complete such a mischievous task, he was down to do it as soon as I explained the situation.

So, right now, it's 2pm, and everyone's in class. We just need to make sure we find the letters and then put them in a more obvious spot, so when we tell McGonagall about what Pansy had done, she can sort her out.

I came to the conclusion that my mum wouldn't believe me if I told her that I never responded to her letters because they'd been stolen. But if McGonagall told her herself, then I'd be let off, and my mum would probably be less angry with me. I already know she's absolutely fuming over the whole Mattheo thing...

"Camila! I found them!"

Guess Riddle wasn't lying.

"George, I love you." I breathe out in relief and head over to him to take a look at the letters. I take a moment, and breathe.

I can't read them.

I can't bare to.

"Right, let's hide them."

"You not going to read them?"

"Another time." I smile.


For the rest of the day, I've been moving in and out of lessons, through the corridors like a slug. A literal slug. My mood has been nothing but miserable, and I have no motivation or energy to do anything. It sounds pathetic but my mind has just been filled with guilt and negativity. I can't seem to focus on simple tasks, like class work, for example... in potions class specifically. The class I'm in right now. He sits right opposite me on the other side of the classroom. Our eyes can't help but meet on occasion, and so I'm always on edge during class, anxious almost.

I feel like the anxiety mainly comes from the fact that people know we've been together, and so does my mum of course. But it's the fact that now we've ended, people are talking. Like yes, I wouldn't have cared if we had both ended it intentionally because it was pretend, that would be a different story, I wouldn't have cared about what others thought... but it's the fact that we were forced to end, and can't speak again because of another factor. That's what makes me anxious. I have no control.

But on top of that, I keep thinking over and over again if he feels just as upset as I am over the situation? Does he care? Or is he unbothered? He seemed bothered to me at least, but I cried my eyes out. I don't think he did too if I'm totally honest. So now... every time I look at him... I can't read him. I can't tell what he's thinking or how he's feeling. It annoys me truly.

But I have to push past all this. The boys and I are going to London this evening, so I got to be on my best mood. I want them to have the best time.

"Miss Dobrev, I asked you a question." The professor's voice breaks me out of my trance and I look up in embarrassment, Malfoy and Pansy laughing at me and the rest of the class looking directly at me.

Pansy won't be laughing by the time McGonagall gets to her. Both George and I told her about what happened and she said she'll sort it out as soon as she can.

"Polyjuice potion, is the answer professor." Riddle suddenly says, everyone's attention now to him. I let out a sigh of relief because I really did not hear any of the waffle the professor was blabbering on about.

"Correct Mr Riddle. Always nice to help out a friend." The professor sighs, rolling her eyes and continues with her lecture. My eyes suddenly meet his, and I stop myself from sending him a small smile in gratitude, because I can't. Because I know he'll smile right back, and I'd break down straight away.

That smile does wonders to me.

Finally, the school bell rings and the class is dismissed, and I end up getting caught at the back of the queue to leave, standing by Theo, Blaise and Enzo.

"Hey boys, you excited?" I ask them.

"Very." Enzo nods. "I've got a little something for you Camila, to help us out." He raises a brow, and I take notice of Mattheo walking by us, listening into our conversation. His face has a sincere dead look, and I attempt to ignore it.

I have nothing to do with him anymore.

"Ooh, show me when we get back to the common room."


"It's brilliant, angel. It's going to make things so much easier for us." Theo tells me, and I smile in excitement.

"Come on Enzo, show me! I can't wait any longer." The boys are sat in my room, Blaise on the chair, Enzo on my bed and Theo floating about examining my makeup.

Enzo looks up at me and hands me a piece of paper with a giddy look on his face. "Open it."

I open the paper and it's blank. I look at him confused as he gets his wand out and recites, "I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good."

Suddenly before my eyes a map appears, labelled 'The Marauders Map". I come to realise it's a map of Hogwarts, portraying every single person's steps and location. I also notice six labelled secret passageways out of Hogwarts and my eyes light up.

"Oh my god Enzo, this is going to make things so much easier!" I squeal and give him a hug.

"We knew you'd like it." Theo smiles.

"I really do. Where'd you get it?" I ask.

"George gifted it to us a couple days ago... he said he doesn't have any use for it anymore." Blaise explains, and the boys just look down a go silent for a moment.

"What was he using it for?" They don't say anything. "Guys?"

"You don't know?" Theo says.

"Uh... know what?"

"Camila," Blaise stands up and walks to me. "George had an identical twin, called Fred Weasley."

"What? What do you mean had?"

"Fred was killed in the Hogwarts War." Blaise explains and my eyes open in shock. "George hasn't been the same since. He was extremely close with Fred, and they'd pull pranks together all the time. Ever since Fred was martyred... George has just seemed lost. But everyone's starting to see a change in him since you've become friends with him."

"Oh my... I feel so stupid for not knowing. I guess that's what the Golden Trio were going to tell me at the party when I first met them... oh, poor Ron too. He's lost his brother aswell."

"Don't feel stupid." Enzo says. "How could you have known? No one told you."

"That's true. My, I feel so bad."

"But I think you've brought some normality back into his life." Blaise tells me. "You're the only one who didn't know about Fred, and treated him normally. I guess other students act differently with him now, by being overly sympathetic and pitiful to his face."

"I guess so. Well, regardless, I'm still going to be his friend and treat him well like I usually do. He's a really nice guy... and I won't bring up his twin unless he opens up to me about him."

"Good idea." Theo sighs. "But I think we better be off now Camila. The secret passageway isn't too far but we got to get there without being caught."

"You're right. Get your bags and I'll meet you downstairs."

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