20 | gang signs

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After I've gotten changed into my black joggers and cropped vest, I head back into my room only to find three other people in my room. My eyes widen in surprise.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask Theo, Enzo and Blaise.

"Riddle let us in." Theo tells me and I sigh.

"Mattheo, you do realise this isn't your room." I roll my eyes. "Happy to have you guys here though." I smile, and make my way over to lay beside Mattheo on the bed.

I notice he's put his shirt back on, and the ice packs are back in the first aid kit, probably to hide his injuries from his mates.

As I get comfy sat beside Mattheo, I notice Theo sat in my arm chair, and Enzo and Blaise sat at the end of my bed staring at me in what looks like shock.

"God, you're beautiful." Enzo let's out with a breath.

Mattheo instantly throws a pillow at him. "Eyes off."

I laugh a little and thank Enzo. I guess seeing me in my night clothes is not what they were expecting to see.

"Now that you're here." Theo says. "What on earth is this Camila?"

I look over at him holding my phone in his hands and I laugh. "That's my phone. It's a muggle thing." I shrug. "You can have access to the whole world on there. Talk to anyone you want."

"Really?" Enzo gasps in awe. "Most magic folk hate the idea of the muggle world but something about it amazes me. Theo, pass it over."

"You can take photos too." I tell him. "Enzo, try and take a selfie."

"What's a selfie?" He asks, inspecting my phone.

I take the phone and turn the camera on and he gasps, seeing himself on the screen. "Hit that white button and it'll capture a photo. Try and get all of us in it. And smile guys!"

Enzo poses with a cheesy grin, Theo runs his hand through his hair, and Blaise poses with a small smile. I feel Mattheo budge closer towards me, and he puts his arm around my shoulders, and holds four fingers up.

Wait what?

I smile at the camera and watch as Enzo squints and uses his other index finger to hit the button once. I laugh as he does so, and he passes the phone over to me.

I check my camera roll and look at the picture, a smile instantly forming on my face. "It's perfect."

"I'm just amazing at everything." Enzo shrugs.

Theo, Enzo and Blaise chatter away getting excited over my phone and I turn to look at Mattheo, who still has his arm around me, but it's now moved down to my waist.

"What's with you and the gang signs?" I say a little quietly. "Where did you learn that from?"

"I'm not oblivious to the muggle world." He tells me.


"We should take a trip to the muggle world." Theo suggests. "It seems as if it's developed so much more than over here."

"That's a great idea!"

"That's a horrible idea." Mattheo interrupts me. "We're not going there."

"Why not?" I ask. "I'm sure sneaking away one weekend won't do us harm."

"I second that." Blaise agrees.

"I really want to go." Enzo also says. "PLEASE MATTHEO!"

"No, we're not going."

"Fine, me and the boys will go and you can stay here." I say.

"Do what you want." He scoffs and gets up and walks out of the room.

"Drama queen." Enzo says and I laugh.

But inside I'm a little worried about him. Why does it bother him so much?

"Anyway. When are we going lads? And girl." Theo asks.

"Well... we could go this weekend?" I suggest. "It's Thursday right now. Well Friday, technically, because it's past midnight."

"This weekend sounds good." Theo agrees, and so do the other two.

"Okay but we'll need to find a way to sneak out." I take a breath. This is risky, but I'm always one to have a fun time.

"Don't worry, I have that sorted out. Me and Theo sneak out all the time. It's just the getting to the muggle world that's the hard part." Enzo tells me.

"I know how to apparate so once we're out of Hogwarts perimeter, we'll be good to go."


For another hour or so, the boys and I just chatter away about anything and everything, mainly me telling them all about the muggle world.

After they leave I decide to go to sleep.


I wake up the next day, and no one will shut up about the quidditch match afterschool. It's Gryffindor versus Slytherin, so I guess it's a big deal. All I know is that Riddle is part of the team, so me being his fake girlfriend, I have to attend.

I'm not very happy about that either, seen as though he's been acting off with me all day, ever since last night when the muggle world was mentioned. He hasn't spoken to me since, and walks right past me in the hallway.

I catch him looking at me sometimes, but he doesn't speak, and I don't bother to say a word to him either.

But this afternoon, I'll have to act.

I head out of class, strolling through the hallways to make it to my next lesson. I finally reach the door of my potions class, but before I enter, Mattheo approaches me from the side, his hands in his pockets.

He has a serious expression on his face, and he doesn't look at me in the eyes. All he says is, "You coming then?"

I instantly know what he's talking about. The quidditch match. What else could he be talking about when there's students walking past or scattered across the hallway chattering about Gryffindor versus Slytherin. It's all everyone's talking about.

"I'll be there."

He nods and enters the classroom. He sits at his usual seat with Theo and Enzo, and I make my way over to mine across the room from his, where last time I sat with Draco.

I sit down with a huff and get my things out onto the desk. My attention is kept towards the door, waiting for Malfoy to enter and see what he does.

Eventually, he arrives along with other students. He stops in his tracks, looks at me, and then his eyes shift to Riddle who's glaring him down.

Malfoy walks straight past me, making the smart decision not to sit next to me.

The fake dating thing worked.

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