35 | truths revealed

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"I- I don't want to put you in danger Camila." He says and I take a deep breath, and reach for his warm hand, squeezing it slightly.

"Mattheo, I'm telling you now, I choose this. Okay? I choose you, even though it comes with a little bit of danger. Do you get that?"

"But Camila... the people who are after me..."

"The ones who've hurt you multiple times." I add and he nods, looking down at our hands locked.

"They're not after me."

"What?" I scoff. "Don't be silly they nearly killed you."

"No, Camila. They're partly after me but they want something else..." he looks at me seriously now and my heart begins to race.

"What is it?"


Just one word to set my brain off with a million different emotions and thoughts running through my mind.


"Camila you know about the war right? And my father Voldemort..."

"Yes yes I know, my mum explained the whole thing. And about how Potter killed him too."

"Well, even though it's all supposed to be over there's a few loyalists of the Dark Lord left, death eaters who don't know what to do with their lives. All they've known is killing and serving him. Your father was one of them of course,"

"Until he died." I add in.

"Yes, until he died. And they know that you're his daughter and they want you to join them." He explains and my jaw drops as I stare at him blankly.

"Why are they attacking you then?" I ask confused.

"They've found out how close we've gotten, and how we were 'dating' and ordered me to bring you onto their side. But of course I'd never do that-"

"Of course not." I swallow.

"They thought that I was the only one who could possibly do it, since I'm the Dark Lord's son and you're a Dobrev." He explains.

"But that doesn't explain the beatings. Not at all." I say, stroking my thumb across his veiny hands.

"I killed your dad Camila."

My hand moved away from his, and I watch him as he looks me dead in the eyes, his face nonchalant, as I sit there trying to process what he just said.

It feels like someone's almost stabbed me, but it doesn't hurt. I can only feel the pure shock of it running straight through me.

Mattheo killed someone?... and not only just someone but my dad?

"I- you've never told me this before."

"It's not my biggest flex." He says and I look at him blankly and blink.

"I don't know what to say."

"Don't say anything love, it's fine. I know it's come as a shock and I'm really sorry he was your dad-"

"Not a good one in the slightest. He was barely a dad at all." I say to him and breathe out. "I'm glad he's dead. I'm glad you killed him."

We sit there in silence for a few moments, and I can almost hear the cogs in our brains turning.

"I'm guessing the loyalists resented you after you killed him." I make out, and he looks up at me and nods. "They hate my guts, think I'm a traitor."

"I didn't know Mattheo..." my voice gets shaky. "You must've been through a lot."

"So have you my love." He says and I look down. "Dads eh." He chuckles quietly and a small smile forms on my face.

"We're a lot more alike than I thought." I sigh. "Oh my god."

"What!?" He asks alarmed, and my eyes widen in realisation.

"My mums going to fucking love you." I say, slapping my hands over my mouth.

"What?" He chuckles, a grin on his face as he sits up. "Why?"

"You need to tell her what you told me Mattheo, everything." I tell him and his face drops.

"Camila no, we can't tell a single soul. Do you understand?" He says alarmed and I look at him confused.

"Mattheo if we tell my mum, she'll understand that you're not one of them and she'll understand your situation. She'll be able to help us both out and protect you too." I explain and he shakes his head.

"If anyone finds out I'm after the loyalists I'm done for. There's only a small group after me at the moment, and if word spreads that I killed your beloved father then I'm fucked. And I'll never be able to come back to Hogwarts and ever see you again."

"My mums not going to tell anyone silly. She knows how this whole thing works."

"Camila, no."

"Please?" I say to him, holding his hand within both of mine. "Do you know what it means if we do?"

"I know what you're talking about." He says. "As much as I'd love that she'll finally let us see each other, she's also not going to like the fact that her daughter's boyfriend is getting hunted."

"Fucks sake." I rub my face and think for a second. "You're protected in Hogwarts it's fine. It's whenever you leave that you get caught by them."

"I guess so..."

"YES!" I exclaim in victory and he looks at me unamused.

"That was not a yes Mila." I look into his beautiful sparkling hazel eyes and a big smile forms on my face.

"What did you say?" I ask him.

"I said that was not a yes."

"No, no, the other thing. What did you call me?" I start to get giddy and he rolls his eyes with a sigh.


"That's cute." I say, squeezing his cheeks and he doesn't whack my hands away. "You're giving nicknames to me already Matty pooh but my mother has not yet approved of you."

"Right that's it." He says and pushes himself up from the bed, spotting the big teddy bear he won for me and grabbing it, before whacking me with it. I snatch it of him, and do the same, both of us ending up in a fit of laughter.

Soon, I end up laying right beside him in bed, with the teddy on the other side of me. I stay cuddled up close to him, his arm stretched out onto my pillow, as his other hand tucks my hairs behind my ear soothingly, my eyes closed. I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't knock out right now.

"I've decided to the name the bear Grizzly." Mattheo says out of nowhere and I look up at him with a disgusted face.

"Ya what? That's my teddy you know, I get to choose. I don't know what kind of name grizzly is-"

"Uh, let's remember that I won the teddy before kindly gifting it you so..."


"Ssh." He puts a finger to my lips, and I look up at him innocently. "Don't do that."

"Do what?"

"Fucks sake Camila." He groans, rubbing his face.

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask, with a slight smirk across my face. "Fine we can call him grizzly-"

"It's not that you moron." He laughs a little. "Stop looking at me like that."

"Like what?"

"With those eyes!"

"What eyes? I shrug and he groans, before I lean over and plant a quick peck on his cheek.

I really love annoying him.

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