17 | super good hearing

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Alert, both Mattheo and I look up from our breakfast to find my younger brother Josh strutting his way over to the two of us. I let out a deep sigh and cover my face in embarrassment.

Josh comes over to my side and takes a seat right beside me. He budges right up close, and shoves me a little to the side, so that he's sat directly in front of Mattheo.

That's when it begins. The eye contact. Neither of them speak, but instead just glare at each other for a good solid minute. Josh was doing most of the glaring, but Riddle wouldn't break eye contact either. I noticed he's quite good at it.

I thank Merlin when Blaise and his sister Naomi come and join us at the table, Blaise sitting opposite me next to Mattheo, and Naomi sitting beside her brother.

"Thank Merlin for you guys." I tell them and Blaise chuckles.

"We thought this would happen." Blaise shrugs. "How's it going lads."

"I'd rather not speak to them Blaise. They're having a staring contest." I take a sip of my juice.


"So Mr Riddle," my brother begins. "What do you want from my sister?"

"Nothing." Mattheo replies. "I'm sure you know by now, she's my girlfriend."

"Yes, I'm aware." Josh replies in a serious tone, something I'm so not used to hearing, it's almost funny. "I don't approve."

"You're not her father. She can do what she wants. Respectfully." Mattheo replies in a calm manner.

"I'm sure you knew well of our father." Josh scoffs in disgust, and that's when I notice Mattheo's face turn serious, his eyes turning dark.

Oh fuck.

There's a moment of silence and Mattheo doesn't say anything in response to what Josh said. Instead, he takes another sip of his tea.

"Josh, you're being a brat right now. Stop being so rude." I whisper to him angrily.

"Don't you remember what mum said?" He whispers back at me quietly. "You're going against her wishes."

"Listen... everything mum said was based of assumption. Mattheo is nothing like what she said. He's-"

"He's Voldemort's son."

Mattheo stands up and leaves the table. I get up immediately and follow him out of the Great Hall, but he walks too fast. We make it to an empty hallway and I finally jog a little and catch up to him.

"Mattheo, wait!" He stops in his tracks and turns around to face me. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine." He replies, but I know he's not telling the truth.

"I'm sorry my brother was being so rude. He just doesn't understand... it's his first time in the Wizarding World and he just has these assumptions-"

"You didn't tell me your mum wanted you to stay away from me?" He says and I'm taken aback.

"How did you hear that?"

The Great Hall was full of noise and laughter, as it usually is at breakfast time, and I'm certain Josh and I were whispering ever so quietly into each other's ears.

And plus... we never mentioned what my mum's wishes were.

"Super good hearing." He rolls his eyes.

"Don't get sassy with me Mattheo."

"Well maybe you should stop lying to your boyfriend." He responds more angrily now, taking a step closer to me.

"I'm not lying! I don't know where you heard that from."

"I'm not fucking naive, Camila. Unlike you."

"Well let's be real, whatever my mum told me to do, clearly it's for good fucking reason." I say, in a calm but angry manner.

I don't know why, but I take a grip of my wand.

"Haha, very fucking funny. All I've done is been good to you!?" I flinch a little, but I stand my ground.

"Yeah you have, and that's why I disobeyed my mum, just for you! I haven't even tried to avoid you for a single moment, have I!? So I don't understand why you're getting so angry."

"Whatever this is." He looks at me up and down. "It's all for yourself gain. That's why I'm bloody angry, Dobrev."

"Don't even!" I raise my voice a little. "We both agreed on this, you also have something to gain out of it. It was your idea! We agreed that none of this is real-"

"Just shut the fuck up!" He shouts, his loud angry voice filling the hallway, making me take a step back in fear. "Please." And with that, he turns away and continues walking down the empty hall, leaving me stood there alone.

I watch as he walks away and turns the corner, my eyes instantly begin to water up.

He's everything I thought he'd be.


As I said, I'm a sensitive girl so after mine and Riddle's 'argument' or whatever you'd call it, Blaise found me upset, and took me to my dorm. I asked if I could have a moment alone to gather myself, but instead I spent the rest of the school day in my room.

I did cry for a bit, but after that I kept myself busy, tidied up, organised a few things and finished off some homework I was missing that was due in today anyway.

Whenever something bad happens, that makes me upset, yes, I do cry very easily. But after a while I just try to keep myself busy and distracted to forget how sad it made me feel.

But with this case, I just couldn't, and still can't get Riddle's loud shouting voice out of my head. The anger on his face was insane. I was so startled and shocked- I don't even know. He's always been so gentle I guess, with me, and careful with his words.

Apart from that one time, "like father like daughter". That also got to me. But he hasn't said anything or done anything horrible like that since.

He probably wasn't even that badly affected by our 'argument', seen as though I'm his fake girlfriend. He's probably gone to all his lessons and messed about with his mates, and had fun.

Just thinking about that makes me feel even more upset, the fact that he couldn't possibly truly care about me. I'm sure it's impossible. Our whole relationship started off as fake, there's no way now that it all could ever be true.

Not that I want it to be true. Not anymore anyway. There was moments where I wished it was, like on our first date. It was probably the best day I've had in a really long time.

But with Riddle... he's a confusing boy. I'm still baffled as to why he was so full of anger. Maybe that's just the way he is? I mean I'm sure Josh's comment could've bothered him a little, but not enough to make him go ballistic.

Oh Merlin, I do truly wonder what's going on in his head right now.

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