47 | my favourite person

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I've been told by the professors that it's time for me to start attending my lessons. I've taken two weeks off since my mother was killed, and a couple days extra too since Mattheo had been taken to the Ministry. He still isn't back and I haven't heard any news, and it's been eating away at me ever since.

I couldn't find the courage at all to get out of my dorm, since I knew I'd be bombarded with questions about Mattheo and my mum. I knew Malfoy would jump at the chance to piss me off too.

But I had no choice. I got up out of bed and got dressed for the day, before heading to the Great Hall for breakfast with Astoria and Rose. As soon as I enter, multiple student's heads turn as they start whispering amongst themselves. I try my best to ignore them and walk to a table and sit down beside Theo and the boys who are already there.

"You okay Cam?" Blaise asks me and I nod giving him a soft smile.

"You sure got them talking." Enzo says, taking a sip of his tea as Theo nudges him.

Neither the boys know the truth about what's going on, only that there are a group of 'criminals' out there who Mattheo is supposedly apart of. Nobody knows that they're actually death eaters, or that they killed my mum. I guess it's better that way, because then people would one hundred percent believe that Mattheo is actually a part of them.

I begin munching on some jam toast and I notice Matt looking at me. "You alright there?" I ask.

"Mhm." He says. "You going to the Winter Ball Camila?" He asks and my heart drops. I completely forgot about that.

"Oh my, we all forgot about that." Astoria gasps. "It's next week and I haven't even got my dress!"

"I got mine when we went Hogsmeade." Rose says, and I remember how I couldn't go but was more than happy because Mattheo stayed with me. I was kinda upset that I didn't get to go and spend time with everyone and do a little shopping but Mattheo just made my day.

And now he's gone.

"Not sure yet if I'm going." I mutter and Astoria looks at me in shock.

"What? You're not going?"

"I don't think so. Not the in the mood."

"No Camila you have to go! It won't be the same without you!" She groans and I sigh.


"It's okay angel." Theo whispers into my ear and I smile, taking a sip of my milk.

What's the point in going when the person I want to go with won't be there?


I have a free period right now, so I went up to the library and attempted to catch up on the work I've missed over the past two weeks but it's stressing me out so bad. I was already behind because I was new to the school, and eventhough I picked up everything quite quickly, this is going to take ages to complete.

"Need help?" I hear a sweet voice say and look up to find Hermione sitting down beside me. "You look stressed out."

"Oh Hermione," I let out a sigh of relief. "Please help, I have so much to catch up with."

"Don't worry, we'll get you done in no time. What lesson do you have next?"


"And how many frees do you have this week?"

"I have around about two a day." I tell her.

"Right we'll match up our frees and then you can meet me in the library. Two hours after school too. Is that okay?"

"Yes, that's perfect. Thank you so much." I smile.

We get started on the work and she explains everything so much better than the teachers. I ask her why she's helping me and she says it's because I'm her friend and my heart warms. She also said that it's revision for herself aswell.

By the time we're done she looks at me with a sigh. "Are you... okay Camila?" She asks. "You know with everything that's gone on?"

"Mhm." I nod. "I'm feeling a lot better."

"How's it been with Riddle gone though?" She asks and I let out a breath, hoping that she's not trying to get information out of me.

"It's been hard." I tell her.

"It must be." She gives me a look of pity.

"Yeah... haven't heard anything so I don't know when he's coming back."

"Well hopefully he comes back for you soon." She smiles and I let out a sigh of relief, knowing that she won't try and dig out information out of me.


"You going to the Winter Ball?" She asks me.

"Everyone's been asking." I laugh. "Are you?"

"Yep, Ron asked me." She says, looking down with a blush on her face.

"You guys are the cutest couple. But no, I don't think I'm going."

"Why not?"

"Got no need to. Mattheo's not going so what's the point?"

"I understand. It won't be the same without your favourite person there." She says and I smile at her wise words, finally someone understanding me.

I guess he is my favourite person.

"I can always ditch Ron for you though, I'm sure he won't mind. He can accompany Harry instead." She suggests and we both start quietly giggling.

"That'd be quite funny I can't lie."

"It would."

After chatting and working with Hermione, I make my way to potions, dreading the boring lesson and praying that we actually do some practical work. I make my way into the classroom and take a seat at my normal place.

Slowly students start pouring in, one of them being someone I've been dreading to see.

"Well, well, well."

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