27 | wishing it was real

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I can't believe we pulled that off. Blaise, Theo, Enzo and I are stood out on a field, having successfully escaped the castle. I look down at the passageway we just came out of, and before I close it shut, we hear rattling come from inside of it.

"Uh guys, do you hear that?" Enzo asks and we all nod.

"I swear to god, it better not be Filch chasing us. If it is, I'm out of here, that man scares me." Theo says and I laugh nervously, my eyes locked on the darkness inside the passageway.

"Whoever or whatever it is, I'll deal with it." I reassure them, pulling out my wand and pointing it to the entrance as the rattling an creaking gets louder by the second.

The shuffling gets closer, and suddenly a figure begins to emerge through the entrance, and the face looks up at us. "Don't kill me please."

My jaw drops and I take a couple steps back, and watch as Mattheo steps out of the passageway, the boys cheering and pulling him out. They all reunite, and chatter amongst themselves in excitement and I stand there, frozen.

The boys go quiet and Mattheo stands there, looking at me, his smile disappearing. He takes a couple steps forward, and heads towards me, looking down at me. I decide to break the tension and speak first.

"Why are you here Riddle?" He looks away and scrunches his face, he hates when I address him by his surname.

"It's dangerous out there."

"I'm sure me and the boys can handle whatever dangers on our own." I state.

"Ok, maybe I felt left out. Sad I didn't get an invite." His face is straight, but his eyes are telling me other things. They scan my face, flickering from my eyes to my lips.

I take a deep breath and walk straight past him, and to the boys. "Guys, what the hell."

"I swear we did not know about this." Enzo raises his hands in surrender, taking a step back.

"If he's mean to you we'll beat him up but please let him come along this trip." Theo begs. "It'll still be just as fun."

I stand there, thinking about it for a second.

"Fine. But I'm not totally happy about it."

It's not that I hate the guy, it's just that I'm mad about the situation. Mad that I don't know how he's feeling right now. It stresses me out big time, and when I stress, I can't have fun. So if he's around through this trip, I don't know what I'm going to do.

Oh, and let's just hope my mum's not in London.


We had found a train station nearby, and boarded the train to London, since none of us knew how to apparate and we didn't have a portkey either. But we don't mind. Travelling by train is a vibe.

We all sit in the same compartment, and I take the window seat, sat right beside Enzo, and opposite us the other three. Theo ensures that Mattheo doesn't sit opposite me, so he takes the seat opposite me instead, and I smile at him in relief.

The boys don't know much about the breakup, but they know I'm not best pleased about it in any way, so they've all been doing their best to comfort me. I was relieved that they stayed friends with me, even though me and their best mate had broken up, because I really enjoyed their company. They're good friends.

I look out the window, only to find that it's gotten dark pretty quickly, the sky slowly getting darker and darker. By the time we reach London, it'll probably be around ten o'clock.

"So Camila, does Draco still bother you?" Blaise asks me, and Mattheo's eyes shoot up at me, a smirk forming on his face, knowing that he's the reason Draco won't even dare give me a glance.

"Uh, no surprisingly. I think he finally took the hint and stopped." I shrug.

"That's good then. He's probably moved onto another poor victim now." Blaise sighs.

"Oh, not victim. Pansy's loving it." I laugh and Enzo gasps.

"Oh no way they're on it again!?"

"They really are. Quite funny if you ask me."

"God, how desperate can you get." Theo raises his brows in shock, making me laugh.

I notice how Mattheo doesn't partake in any conversation that I'm in, and only starts his own with the boys, leaving me just sat there. It's kinda awkward, but I don't mind. I couldn't bare having another conversation with him, when I know nothing I want can come out of it.

It was all pretend.

"I wish it wasn't."

My eyes instantly shoot towards him and he's immersed in a conversation with Enzo. I guess I'm hearing things. It's kinda hard not to go crazy when your fake ex is sat in such close proximity and you can't do anything about it.


An hour passes by and both Enzo, Blaise and Theo are knocked out, Enzo resting his head in my lap, looking as peaceful and comfortable as a baby. I can't go sleep of course, and neither can Mattheo. He's been sat there looking all cosy in his joggers and navy hoodie, his hood up and his curls peaking out, drooping over his eyes a little, which are immersed into the book he has kept himself distracted with.

It's all good though, because my eyes haven't left the view outside. It's began to snow, and I look at the falling blobs in amazement. I haven't seen snow in a while, so it's kinda embarrassing how giddy I am over it. I just love it too much.

Getting cosy in winter with hot chocolate, fluffy blankets and a good movie is all I want right now.

"I hate the snow."

I blink out of my trance and look over to Mattheo to make sure I actually heard him speak, and that I'm not just dreaming. He was in fact speaking, as I look at him looking directly at me. He puts his book down.

"I love it." I say, and turn back to look outside.

"So you're not even going to speak to me Camila?"

I don't say anything. I don't know what to say.

"What have I done wrong?"

I look back at him, my heart beating faster than before.

"You haven't done anything wrong Mattheo." I tell him. "But you shouldn't have come."

"Look, I know it's a risk but no one's going to see us in London."

"It's not just that-"

We both sit there for a moment, in silence. The only sound is from the train moving along the tracks.

"What else is it, love?"

"I don't know. I'm tired."

How can I tell him that I'm trying so hard to get over him right now, and that him being here isn't helping one single bit?

"I'll let you sleep. Sorry." He picks up his book again, and continues reading, leaving me sat there feeling guilty, a sick feeling in my stomach.

I lean my head against the window, and close my eyes, hoping not to wake up before we reach London.

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