15 | hard to resist

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Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, and it takes me a while afterwards to nod off back to sleep. Tonight was one of those nights. I woke up, laying in what felt like the most comfiest bed ever. It's never felt so warm. That's when I remember I have Riddle laying right next to me, shirtless.

I get a nervous feeling in my stomach when I take in the fact that he's sleeping with me right now, and so I slowly turn around to face him, only to find him with his hands behind his head, eyes open, staring at the ceiling.

"You're awake." He looks at me, smiles and I nod.

"Mhm. Why are you?"

"I can't go to sleep." He tells me and I look at the time on my clock.

3am. It's so late.

"Why's that Mattheo?" I ask softly and he turns his body to face me, his face only a couple centimetres awake from mine as we lay comfortably on my pillows.

"Do you want me to be so honest right now?" His voice is low, almost a whisper.

"Mhm. Give me the whole truth."

"Nah I can't do it." He scrunches his face.

"Yes you can. You can tell me anything, I'm sure it's not bad." I tell him softly.

"No but it is bad, Camila. You won't like it." He sighs.

I look into his eyes, and they're locked on mine.

"Mattheo, please... I won't be able to sleep if you don't tell me."

"And you won't be able to sleep either if I tell you."

"I don't care."


"Fine." I smile. "So... what's your truth Mattheo Riddle?"

"I can't sleep in the same bed as you, knowing I can't touch you..." he pauses for a second and looks down from my eyes to my lips. "Or hold you."

My heart skips a beat as I look at him slightly surprised.

"You wanna touch me?" I ask him.

"Mhm... I know we can't but..."

"Mattheo, it won't mean anything right? Because..." I look at his eyes and then to his lips just as he did to me.


"I want to feel your touch."

"Like this?" He asks, and I suddenly feel his hand reach for my hip, holding it slightly as he pulls me closer to him, his fingers grazing across my bare skin.

"Mhm. Just like that." I reply and his hand slides down my back, his hand slowly running under my baggy sleeping shirt.

I feel him stroke his hand soothingly up and down against my skin, sending instant shivers straight through me. He pulls me even closer, almost every inch of my body touching his.

I hold his face with one of my hands and I smile a little. "How is this bad?"

"I thought you wouldn't want to-"

"I need to."

At this moment, our lips are so close, so close to crashing into each other... seconds away from meeting... but I pull away.

"Is it okay if I turn around?" I pause.

I'm finding it so hard right now not to-

"Please do, I'm finding it so difficult not to kiss you right now." Mattheo whispers in a low voice and I let out a deep breath, as I turn around and manoeuvre my body back against his, everything in contact.

His arm wraps around my stomach, and squeezes me close to him... and I swear I feel his hard on against my ass.

I close my eyes, ignoring any feelings of lust that would cause me to do something so stupid, and embrace this warmth and comfort, so that I can try and go to sleep.

"It's so hard to resist you, Camila." He whispers into my ear, and I lay there in shock until we both doze off.


Today my sleep was the best it's ever been. My bed seems a million times comfier and warmer, and I feel like I could just stay here forever. But then I realise, I feel something heavy laying on my chest, and slowly open my eyes to find Mattheo fast asleep, his head resting on me, and his arms wrapped around my body.

Shit. I hope he's forgotten about last night.

He looks so peaceful, I don't want to disturb him from his sleep and release his morning demons. He could be the type of person to get really angry when someone forcefully wakes them up in the morning.

I lay there for a good two minutes, playing with his soft curls, wondering which conditioner he uses because they're so healthy.

Suddenly, Mattheo let's out a little groan as he turns his head to face the other way, budging up even further to lay on my boobs.


He's not gonna be happy about this when he wakes up. I don't even know how he ended up in this position.

"Mattheo?" I say softly, attempting to wake him up but he doesn't budge. I shake him slightly, and that still does nothing.

I decide being a lil aggressive won't hurt so I shove him off my chest, hoping for the best. But all he does it groan and mumbled something like "leave me alone", before positioning himself back onto my tits.

"Mattheo I know you're awake but you're gonna have to like get up now, we're gonna get late for class." I tell him and he lets out a deep breath.

"Camila, you're too comfy give me a couple more minutes." He says, in a sleepy voice and I instantly fold.

Nah I'm joking. Never.


"Fine." I sigh. "Fake girlfriend shit I guess."

"Just shush and let me imagine you're my real one." I hear him mumble and my eyes widen.

I sit there in silence, looking blankly at my bedroom wall. I'm so confused. He must be so tired.

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