10 | a perfect match

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I wake up just laying there in my bed, staring at the ceiling for a couple of moments, really deeping what just went down yesterday. Then it comes back to me - I have a date today. With Mattheo Riddle. Who would've thought? The exact boy my mum specifically told me to stay away from, I am now dating. Fake dating. But all for a good course - that's what I keep telling myself.

With a sigh, I get up out of bed and get ready for this stupid date that I'm dreading. I'm nervous I can't lie, not to go on the date itself, but the aftermath. The idea of people knowing that I am now associated with Riddle. Like, I'm the new girl who's now dating him. I don't think people are going to take it well... especially not Malfoy. But that's the point.

Both Riddle and I have a free period this morning so we agreed to just get our date over and done with now. But the thing is, I don't even know where we're going or what we're doing. He's very mysterious, so I'm not shocked he didn't give me an idea.

I decide to dress up casual, you know, in preparation for any scenario. I don't know how dates work here at Hogwarts, but back in the muggle world the most typical first date was to the cinema.

 I don't know how dates work here at Hogwarts, but back in the muggle world the most typical first date was to the cinema

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Once I'm ready, I hear a knock at the door, and my first assumption is that it's Riddle, coming to get me for our date. I take a deep breath and attempt to prepare myself.

However, when I open the door I find George Weasley stood in front of me.

"Oh hey George!" I say with a smile. "What brings you here?"

"Woah. You look stunning." He says with his eyes wide open. "Where you off to?"

"Oh uhm..." I pause. "I have a date with Riddle."

"Say what!?" He gasps. "No way."

"Is everyone's reaction going to be like this?" I sigh.

"Probably worse hun."


"Wow, never knew you guys even spoke."

"Yeah... it all happened a bit fast." I laugh nervously.

"Well I hope you have the best time. But I actually came here to follow up on that prank you and Blaise came up with. You know, on Draco?" He asks looking hopeful.

"Oh gosh yes! That completely slipped my mind."

This whole plan of me fake dating Riddle was so I never have to go near that ferret again, so now this prank doesn't seem appealing to me but... I can't let George down. He looks so excited.

"We'll do it tonight for sure." I tell him and his face lights up.

"Great! I can't wait. I'll bring my things and we can prepare the dye together."

"Can't wait."


Around about half an hour after George left, I finally buck up the courage to head down to the common room, in hope of Riddle finding me, not me finding Riddle. You get me?

I make it down the stairs and as I open the door to the common room, someone on the other side swings it right open.


"Camila!?" She exclaims quite loudly, and proceeds to talk quite loudly that I'm pretty sure the whole of the Slytherin house can hear us. "YOU'RE dating Mattheo!?"

"Surprise." I jazz my hands. Seems as if word got around pretty fast, even though we haven't even been on our first date yet.

"But Mattheo doesn't date. It must be a mistake ahaha. He's lying to you girl." She snorts. "Why would he want you?"

"You know nothing Parkinson. How about you mind your business." I suggest with a smile.

"I'll give it a week. Once he's had his fun with you, it'll be over with." She looks me up and down before barging past me.

None of this bothers me, it's fake. So he's not using me. I won't let him touch me.

"Lover girl has arrived!" Someone calls out and I look over to find Lorenzo Berkshire heading towards me with his friend Theodore Nott. I remember these two to be Riddle's goons.

"Hello." I smile.

"How are you?" Theodore asks politely.

"I'm great... so excited for my date." I force the words out. "Thanks for asking... Theodore Nott is it?"

"That's me. But you can call me Theo, angel."

Wow. Charming.

"I'm Enzo. We're here to be your escorts." Enzo says, holding out his arm for me to link mine with his.

"Ooh, how nice. But don't you guys have class?" I ask them.

"We do but who cares. Here to help our boy out." Theo tells me.

"Couldn't he get me himself?" I ask him as I link my arm with Enzo's and we begin heading out of the common room.

"You see Camila," Enzo starts. "He's taken a while to get this date just right for you. So he's asked us to come and get you."

"My guess is he's a bit nervous." Theo chuckles.

"Hey! Don't bait our boy out like that." Enzo whacks Theo.

"My bad." He laughs.

"Nervous? I doubt it." I say confused.

"Nah but the thing is he's never been in a proper relationship." Enzo continues. "It's always been flings and hook ups. You've really got him hooked and you've only been here three days."

"Yeah, I'm confused. How did you manage to get him to fall so quick? I mean, apart from the fact that you're absolutely stunning." Theo says and I laugh.

"Wow, you're making me blush..." I take a moment to think of an answer. Me and Riddle didn't plan out our backstory. Shit. "Uhm... we just clicked really well and he already knew who I was because obviously my family and all..."

Shouldn't have brought my family into this but it's the only backstory that makes sense. My dad is Michael Dobrev. His father is Voldemort.

"Oh yeah, that makes a lot more sense." Theo tells me. "But yeah, I think you two are a perfect match."

"I agree." Enzo says, as we finally make it out of the castle, along the way getting stares and whispers.

Yes, everyone knows.

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