36 | where to next

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Mattheo's POV

I didn't expect the reaction I got from her when I revealed the truth. "I'm glad you killed him" isn't exactly the typical thing a person would say when being told their father was killed by you. But her telling me that, only makes me realise that her dad was even more fucked up than I thought he was. I've had my fair share of having a shitty father, but I don't know what Camila or her family has been through.

I didn't want to ask her and be nosey, and start the whole conversation about him in case she felt uncomfortable. I'm sure she'll tell me some day when the time is right. But right now, she's snuggled in my arms, as we lay in this comfy ass muggle hospital bed. I fell asleep for a bit. It was easy, since Camila is so god damn comfy.

But I woke up after, since all the hospital noises and beeps were pissing me off. I sit there with my eyes kinda open, as I play with her soft hair. That's when I hear familiar voices making their way towards us, and the curtains opening. A smile forms on my face when I see the boys walk in, worried looks on their faces.

"Holy fuck Riddle they messed you up bad." Theo says, all three of them with shocked faces, staring at the bruises and bandages on me.

"Yeah I guess so. Wasn't a fair fight I'll be honest." I chuckle.

"Awh, Camila looks so cute fast asleep." Enzo says and I scrunch my face.

"Watch it Berkshire." I say coldly and he raises his hands in surrender.

"My bad."

The boys place all our bags in front of the bed. "We got the stuff." Zabini tells me.

"Was that blonde woman there at the counter?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "Good."

"What even happened lad?" Blaise asks worriedly. "I'm sure you've told Camila by now."

"Yeah... it's a long story." I sigh, and watch as Enzo gets distracted as he begins to flirt with one of the nurses. Nott drags him back and smacks the bag of his head.


"This is important." Nott tells him.

"To put it simply, I'm being chased by death eaters." Their jaws drop.

"Thought they all fucked off after the war." Theodore states.

"Nah, a few loyalists are taking the piss. They want Camila too, because of her dad and stuff." I tell them and they nod, understanding. "They asked me to get her on their side but obviously... I turned against my father during the war so now they're like beating me up for it."

"Damn, that's brutal. You should've told us sooner man." Blaise tuts.

"Nah, it would've put you boys in danger too." I tell them.

"I'm about to shed a tear." Enzo announces.

"Cute." I say.

"What's going on?" A quiet voice says, and I smile, watching Camila wake up from a nap. She slowly sits up and takes in her surroundings.

"The boys are back love." I tell her and she smiles.

"Oh thank god you guys made it back safe." She says, with a yawn.

She's so cute.

"We got your things angel." Theo tells her and I roll my eyes at the nickname he has for her, and my grip on her waist tightens slightly.

"Awh thanks boys."

"As chaotic and as fun this trip to the muggle world has been, we really got to get back to Hogwarts." Blaise tells us all and I nod.

"Yeah, we're gonna get fucked otherwise." I tell them but Camila turns to look at me.

"We're not going. The boys can go but we need to go somewhere." She tells me and I look at her confused.

"Where to?" I ask her.

"I'll tell you later." She whispers and turns back to the boys. "You guys can go, I'll give you the port key. Me and Mattheo just need to sort something out."

Enzo raises his eyebrows twice at me and I smirk.

The boys begin to pack up and they say their goodbyes, leaving me wondering where she wants to take me.


Camila's POV

"Okay as beautiful and amazing as you are darling, I can't just let you take me somewhere on a train without you telling me where we're going."

"Not to worry." I sigh, as we take a seat in one of the empty compartments of the muggle train. "But please don't get mad."

His face twists into a concerned look, as if to say, "What've you done now Camila?"

"Tell me."

"We're going to see my mum." Is all I say, and he immediately stands up and makes his way towards the door. I grab his hand and pull him back down to his seat.

"Uh, no." He says and I roll my eyes. "Do you want me to get killed or something?"

"She's not going to kill you dumbass. She's more likely to kill me."

"That's worse. A lot worse." He says, and I feel my cheeks going red slightly.

"We're just going to explain to her the situation-"

"Camila we've talked about this. We can't have anyone find out-"

"Do you trust me Mattheo?" I ask him and he pauses for a moment.


"You hesitated." I say, and grumpily slouch back in my seat, with my arms folded. He puts his hand on my cheek and turns my face to look at him.

"I do trust you Camila. But I'm not sure about meeting your mum."

"She's not scary."

"Well I'm scared."

"Awh that's so cute!" I say, squishing his face.

"What's so cute?" He mumbles through his squished cheeks and I let go.

"You're nervous to meet my mum for the first time." I grin.

"Well of course I am. What if she doesn't like me?"

"She will."

"Camila, I'm the Dark Lord's son."

"Ok and? You didn't side with him, did you?"

"No." He says straight away and I nod.

"See. You'll be fine. You also killed my father so she'll be ecstatic about that." I tell him.

"Why did that sound sarcastic? You're scaring me more."

"Take deep breaths, it'll be fine." I sigh.

"Kiss me. It'll calm the nerves." He says and my eyes widen slightly, thinking about how Mattheo and I have never actually kissed before. He notices me getting nervous, when I don't say anything so he smirks and lets out a light chuckle. "Only joking princess."

"Right." I let out a breath. "Now that I think about it... there's been many times during our fake dating period where you'd be SO tempted to kiss me." I giggle and he looks at me in shock.

"Don't even try and suggest that it was one sided. You wanted it bad too Camila." He says seriously, as if it's some massive debate.

"Uhm..." I pretend to think about it.

"At the party, that one night in bed and after the quidditch match... all I'm saying is that if I kissed you at either one of those times you wouldn't have swerved." He raises his hands, feeling achieved at the point he just made.

"Hmm... maybe." Is all I say and he quickly holds my face and pulls it close to him, our lips millimetres apart. My face goes bright red, as I thought he was going to kiss me. I get annoyed when he smirks and pecks my cheek instead. He pulls away and chuckles. "I hate you Mattheo Riddle."

"We both know that's a lie love."

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