2 | he has a son!?

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Mum takes Josh and I to platform "nine and three quarters", which seemed quite odd to me at first, but it all made sense when we had to magically run through a brick wall.

We waddled our way through the large crowds of witches and wizards also trying to board the train, and finally made it to the doors. Our trollies filled with our possessions were taken care of and mum gave us both a tight squeeze.

"Oh I'm going to miss you two gremlins an awful lot!" She says, her voice breaking slightly.

"We're gonna miss you too mum." I say, and she kisses both of our cheeks.

"Be careful, okay?" She says.

"I can't wait to meet the legend Harry Potter himself." Josh says.

"Yes yes." Mum laughs.

"Right off we pop. Bye mum!" Josh waves, and hops onto the train, but mum holds my wrist turning me back around.

"I forgot to tell you one last thing poppet." She pulls me closer to her and her face turns serious. "You remember Tom Riddle I was telling you about?"

"Yes, Lord Voldemort." I whisper.

"He has a son. And he's in your year group."

My heart drops, my eyes widen and I look at her in shock.

"He has a son!?"

"Hush!" She says, looking around embarrassed. "Yes, he's going to be there at Hogwarts too, so be careful, okay? I don't want you going near him at all."

"Mum! You could've told me this sooner, so I could practice more spells to protect myself!"

"It's fine, he's not going to attack. The Ministry of Magic declared that he's not a threat, and that he could attend the school. But please my love, stay away from him."

"Of course I will mum. I'd probably be too scared to go near him."

"They'll know you're a Dobrev, so they might bring up your father." She whispers. "Just tell the truth, be the honest girl that you are. Say that you had nothing to do with it, because you had no idea what was going on."

"I understand mum. God, I hope I won't get grief from the other students for being the daughter of a Death Eater."

"You won't. If you do, just give em a right hook to the face." She says, displaying the attack as she pretends to punch me. I laugh and she pulls me in close, giving one last hug. "Right, I love you Camila. Please stay safe."

I wave goodbye and hop onto the train. I'm going to miss my mum. Gosh, I'm not going to see her until Christmas.


I sit in an empty compartment with Josh, both of us trembling with nerves the whole time.


"Yes Camila?" He sighs.

"Voldemort has a son."


"Yeah, mum just told me. And guess what?"


"He's my age.

"No way!"

"And he goes to Hogwarts."

"WHAT!? Bro stop dropping bombshells on me like that, are you being serious right now!?"

"I am being very ultimately serious right now."

"She's right. He does have a son." A tall dark skinned boy enters our compartment, with a girl behind him following along. "Is it alright if we sit here?" He asks.

"Yes, of course." I reply with a smile. The boy sits next to me, and the younger looking girl sits beside Josh. "I'm Camila, nice to meet you."

"I'm Blaise, it's a pleasure." He smiles. "This is my sister Naomi, she's a lil shy."

"Yo what's up, I'm Josh." My brother says, holding his hand out towards Naomi, who just side eyes him.

"Josh just stop."

"Are you guys new to Hogwarts?" Blaise asks me.

"Yes we are. It's our first time visiting the Wizarding World too. I'm in the final year and my brother's in sixth."

"Oh damn, it's your first time? What stopped you from coming?"

"Aha uhm..."

"Our dad." Josh answers him for me. "He didn't want us to come."

"Oh..." Blaise takes the hint of me getting slightly uncomfortable with that question, and so he changes the subject.

I like him already.

"Well I'm in final year too! That's great, I'll be seeing you around more often then." He smiles.

"Ah yes. It's comforting to have made a friend before we've arrived." I reply.

"Of course. If you need anything, a tour, help with work or just anything in general, let me know." He says with a smile. "Same goes to you Josh, you can ask my sister too, she's in your year."

"Brill." Josh smiles. "Thank you."

"Yeah, thank you so much." I add.

"No problem."


Josh and I couldn't believe our eyes when we saw the castle. We arrived there by boat, rowing across the Black Lake. It was mesmerising, not how I expected it at all, it was even better. So beautiful and enchanting.

Blaise and Naomi show us the way inside, taking us to the Great Hall. My heart was beating so fast as I took everything in. The floating candles, the ghosts flying about... it was everything my mum told us and more.

It just made me so excited for what was coming, and what adventures we'd have whilst we're here. I can't believe I've missed out on this all these years. Now I'm finally here, I promise to myself I'm going to make the most of it.

New comers and first years had to gather around the front of the hall so that we could all be sorted in houses. I looked over at Blaise, noticing him sat with the Slytherins. He holds his thumbs up, sending me a smile. I do the same back, with a smile on my face.

Slytherin. Tom Riddle was sorted into that house... and I'm guessing so was his son. Merlin, I hope I don't get sorted into that house.

"Josh Dobrev." Professor McGonagall calls out, taking me out of my trance as I watch my brother head up to the front, taking a seat on the stool as the Professor holds the sorting hat above his head.

Josh looks over at me and sends me a nervous look.

"Don't worry." I mouth, and he nods his head, taking a deep breath.

"GRYFFINDOR!" Josh's face lights up and the Gryffindor table begin to cheer, he heads towards the table and is welcomed with beaming faces.

"Camila Dobrev." My name gets called out, and the hall goes quiet again. Nervously, I make my way over and take a seat on the stool.

I take a deep breath, and the hat is placed on my head.

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