3 | the new girl

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The hat takes its time to think, and I sit there with my heart beating rapidly, my cheeks flushed with red as I look around the Great Hall to see hundreds of faces staring back at me.


My heart falls out of my chest. Slytherin? There's no way... but why? What's so 'Slytherin' about me? I guess my journey at Hogwarts might explain it to me... but still? What?

The first person I make eye contact with is Josh, and he looks at me with his jaw dropped. The Slytherin tables begin to cheer and welcome me over, and I look at them blankly, slowly making my way to them.

I guess being in Slytherin will be fine, I'm not going to stereotype the whole house because that would be shitty of me. It's just the fact that now, it's going to be hard to keep my distance from the son of Tom Riddle, whoever he is. Maybe I might not meet him at all! He's probably too popular and famous to ever cross my path, or even take consideration of my presence.

However, on the bright side, at least I already have made a friend, Blaise. He's in Slytherin too, so hopefully he can help me out.

Nervously, I take a seat beside Blaise, and multiple students begin shaking my hands. I guess that's just custom.

Sat opposite me is a blonde haired boy, with a mischievous smirk across his face.

"Dobrev huh?" He asks, looking me up and down.

Here we go.

"Yes, and who are you?"

"Draco Malfoy. A pleasure." He reaches his hand out for me to shake, and I look down at it reluctantly.

I shake his hand, and then release my hand from his grip as quickly as possible.

"Your father was a very powerful soldier." He mentions, and I raise my brow. Of course my father is the first thing to be brought up.

"To the wrong army." I say, and look elsewhere, and I start fidgeting, hoping the topic would be switched.

But then... as I'm looking around, trying to avoid the bleached head boy sat right in front of me, my eyes catch a trio of boys, sat a bit further down the table. They all look at me, specifically one of them, his dark eyes shadowed by his brunette curls, glaring directly into my soul.


Could that be?

Aha, probably not.

"Fair enough." Draco chuckles, and I'm broken out of my trance. "Wait so why have you only just come to Hog-"

"Blaise?" I cut Draco off. "Who are those three boys sat over there?" Me and Blaise turn to look at them, but when they catch us noticing, they quickly turn back to look at each other, pretending to make conversation.

That makes me laugh on the inside. Kind of cute.

"Ah, that boy right there is the famous son of Voldemort, who you were talking about on the train. His name is Mattheo Riddle." Blaise explains and Draco pulls a face.

"Why'd you want to know about him for?" He asks, as if somewhat offended.

"Why not?"

"He's a dickhead. That's why."

"Only to Draco." Blaise laughs.

"Ah, I see." I giggle, looking back over to Mattheo, to find only him this time looking over at me. Nervous, I turn away again, and continue laughing at Draco's scrunched up face.

"Stop laughing. He's a deranged little prick."

My mind flashes back to how I also once described my father as deranged. What if it's true? Then the Dark Lord's son and my father have something in common, adding to my list of reasons to stay away from this so called Mattheo.

"Right. Thanks for letting me know Draco."


Blaise shows me the way to the Slytherin common room, and when we enter I'm taken aback by how stunning it really is. Everything seems so posh, and expensive. Green silks and leather sofas and chairs. Shocker.

"Uhm, hey Blaisey. Is this the new girl?"

"Hi Astoria. Yes, she has a name." He responds, and I look at the brunette girl standing before us. She's stunning.

"Hey new girl."

"The name's Camila." I smile, trying to be polite.

"Yes, yes."

"Oh em gee, Draco!" Another girl approaches us, waving at Draco who now stands beside me.

"Parkinson." He nods.

"Uhm, we'll handle her for now. She doesn't need your help." The History, Tori girl says. I don't remember her name.

She grabs my hand and takes me towards her and this 'Parkinson' girl.

"Uh, where are you taking her?" Blaise asks.

"Yeah, aha, where are you taking me?" I laugh slightly, looking at them oddly.

"We're showing you your dorm, slow coach." History rolls her eyes.

"Right. Okay." I say, yanking my arm away from her grip. "Show me the way."

Parkinson gives a little wave to Draco before the two girls take me to my dorm. I open the door and I'm shocked at how beautiful it really is. The decor matches that of the common room, green and gold silks, and a leather arm chair too. The curtains are also green, with the Slytherin house crest almost everywhere.

The two girls strut into my room, one of them reapplying lipstick by the vanity, and the other sitting back in my leather chair.

"Sorry, what are your names again? Tori and?"

"Tori!? Pfft." The brunette girls scoffs. "My name is Astoria. Greengrass."

I almost chuckle, but I cover my mouth before I could.

"What are you laughing at?" She asks, giving me the dirties.

"Oh, nothing." I shrug. "And you? What's your name?"

"Pansy Parkinson, soon to be Pansy Malfoy." She says, flicking her hair back.

What is she? Twelve?

"Right okay." I sigh. "It's been a pleasure Astoria and Pansy. Thanks for showing me the way." I say to them, trying to give the hint to tell them to leave.

"Ugh." Astoria grunts, and she heads over to Pansy, and whispers something in her ear and then they both look back at me. "We forgot to mention something. You should totally come to the Slytherin party tonight!"

"A party?"

"Yes. Slytherin parties are always the best. You can't beat em." Pansy adds.

"I'll think about it. It is the first day."

"Stop being boring. It'll be fun!" Astoria jazzed her hands in excitement, the two of them heading towards my door.

"Lovely. I'll see if I can be there."

With that, I close my door shut, and sink to the floor, rubbing my face. God, they are quite annoying. But this party? Do I really want to go? Do I really want to associate myself with these other Slytherins, with chances of bumping into the Dark Lord's son?

Hm, who knows. We shall have to see.

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