41 | a letter

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The whole group of us, wasted as fuck, mingle with the rest of the students at the dance floor. Blaise and I end up becoming dance partners, jumping up and down to the music, Enzo joining in too with Rose. But that's when I notice Astoria dancing with Matt to my surprise, and I spot Theo at the side. I push through some people and grab his wrist, pulling him close to me.

"Are you okay!?" I shout over the music and he shrugs.

"I'm okay angel!" He smiles, taking both my hands and holding them in his. We start dancing to the music and he spins me around, his hands on my waist. I start swaying to the music, and feel his front against me. Drunk as hell with no idea what I'm doing, I continue to grind against Theo, but that's when I'm met with Mattheo's daggers, as he approaches us. Theo let's go almost immediately and Mattheo pulls my waist and my body collides with his.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He leans down slightly and says into my ear, the vibrations of his voice sending shivers through me.

"Dancing!" I reply and his grip on my waist gets tighter. I place my hands over his and push them upwards, making them glide up my body and back down again. A smirk forms across his face, and his hands get lower and lower, until they're resting on my ass.

He spins me around and holds my waist, as he directs me to grind my ass against his front, my movements in sync with the beat of the music. He tilts my head back so it's resting on his shoulder, and he leans down and starts planting kisses on the open skin of my neck.

He licks and sucks, making quiet moans leave my mouth. I gasp at the feeling and then he stops and I turn around to look at him, my hands gripped onto his hair. "Let's go somewhere quieter." He says to me and I nod, as he holds my hand and pulls me to the doors. He opens them and we walk through, and we're met with the stairs that lead up to the dorms... the same place where he zipped up my dress at the first party.

The area is dimly lit by a lit lamp on the wall, making his face glow and his eyes glisten.

He's so handsome.

He leans against the wall, his hands in his pockets as he scans my body. He turns his head away and his tongue rolls across the inside of his cheeks. I smile and take a step closer to him, and turn his head to look at me. "Do you still hate me Mattheo Riddle?"

He scoffs, as if it's the most stupidest question. "I've never hated you beautiful." His eyes flicker down to my body and back to my eyes.

"I've never hated you either." I admit, taking a breath.

"Although you did piss me off in there." He says, sounding sincere. "What the fuck was that about?"

"Was what about?" I act oblivious, eventhough I have a slight clue of what he might be getting jealous over.

"Licking up Matt, and then dancing with Nott?" He questions and I look down with a smile.

"You jealous, Mattheo Riddle?" I ask and he scoffs.


"Lying is bad."

"You could've been doing those things to me Camila."

"Not out in the open. We're not supposed to be together." I say, running my hand down his bare chest. He lets out a breath.

"And what about now?" He asks, and my eyes flicker from his and down to his lips, my gaze set on his lips for a moment too long.

"Anything could happen now." I say, and wrap my arms around his neck, getting closer to him. His hands hold my waist and he glides them up and down.

"You make me feel crazy Camila." He breathes out.

"Crazy how?" I ask, planting a kiss on his neck, and another further up.

"Like I just- need to have you." I stop and look at his lips.

"Have me then. I'm all yours." Suddenly, his hand holds my face, and just as I think he's about to kiss me, the doors swing open and I push myself off Mattheo. Thankfully, it's no one we know, but instead a couple making out as they make their way up the stairs. I let out a sigh of relief and look at Mattheo get all annoyed.

"Fucks sake." He groans.

"Let's go to my dorm?" I ask and he nods. I'm about to walk up the stairs but suddenly he swoops me off my feet, grabbing my legs and carrying me bridal style up the stairs. I look up at him and take advantage of the view, taking in how pretty his face is. How perfect his nose, lips and eyes are... how unique his scars make his face look.

"Take a picture love." He says and I swat him with my hand as we reach my dorm. He doesn't put me down until we reach my bed, where he gently lays me down and I smile. He shuts the door and comes back to me, laying right beside me.

"You look so gorgeous tonight baby." He says, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, warming my heart up. I'm about to thank him, but my eyes meet something behind him, a paper sat on the window sill. My brows furrow and I sit up, and he realises something's up. "What is it?"

"I've got a letter." I say, and make my way over to the window sill and grab the letter. "It's from the Ministry of Magic." I tell him nervously and his eyes widen.

"Fuck, do you think it's about the loyalists your mum snitched about?" He asks.

"I hope so." I say and quickly open the letter with shaky hands. I unfold it and begin reading the text.

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