14 | full of ideas

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"So anyway, we decided to pull a prank on Malfoy, you know put some hair dye in his shampoo, to get rid of his blondeness. But when we got to his room, we saw him and Pansy together doing explicit things." I explain. "The rest-"

I let out a laugh, remembering how traumatised I was over something else we saw.

"Who the fuck does Malfoy think he is?" Riddle says, starting to sound angry. "Why the fuck is he spreading lies about you?"

"Well they're not exactly lies. I am my father's daughter." I say, looking down.

"Camila look at me." He says. "That doesn't mean shit. I know you, and you're nothing like him."

"But you've never met him." I say and it looks like he's about to say something but doesn't. "But anyway, I thought Draco doesn't touch any of the girls you've shagged."

"He'll get beaten up don't worry. But he's only done this because he's jealous of us. He wanted to hurt you." Mattheo explains.

"Wait no Mattheo, you can't get into another fight!"

He rests both his hands on each of my thighs and leans in close.

"I'll be fine love."

"Yeah I know you'll win but McGonagall will expel you, and we cannot have that. It's too risky."

"Aw you don't want me to go." He teases, and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, because then I'll be left alone with Malfoy to bother me."

"Of course that's the reason." He mumbles.

"No but I'm being serious Mattheo, don't get involved with Malfoy. It'll only make things worse. I want to make another rule, the both of us stay away from him. The whole point of us fake dating is to keep our distance from him." I explain.

"You know I can't do that-"

"Do it for me?" I say softly, looking into his eyes as I put my hand over his which rests on my thigh. "Please?"

"Fine." He groans. "But if he starts the fight or throws the first punch you know I have to fight back."

"I guess that would be necessary." I sigh.

"I should stay the night." He suddenly suggests and my eyes widen.

"Ya what?"

"You're my girlfriend. You've just been attacked. I took you to your dorm, it would be weird if I didn't stay and uhm do stuff."

"But we're not doing stuff." I tell him.

"Yeah of course we aren't," his grip on my thighs get tighter. "But people on the outside will assume that we have, if I stay with you." He explains and I look elsewhere, thinking about it for a second.

"You can be smart when you want to be."

"Mhm. This brain is full of ideas." He taps the side of his head.

I hop off the vanity and walk past him." You should give me it then." I mumble ever so quietly.

"What was that Camila?" Riddle asks, turning to face me with an amused expression.

"What? Nothing. Get in bed." I grab my shorts and PJ top to wear to bed.

"Wow, if you insist." He replies, and instantly whips his top off, leaving him in joggers. My eyes lock onto his body, mesmerised by the sight. I never would've guessed he was that toned. I mean I saw the abs through his compression shirt but-

"Take a picture Camila."

"Let me guess, it'll last longer?" I roll my eyes.

"No, so you can frame it. Or like stick it in your diary and write about your feelings for me and how sexy you think I am." He sets himself into bed as I get changed behind the open cupboard door.

"You are the most delusional person I've met." I laugh and head over to the bed once I'm changed.

I can't help but notice his eyes locked on my body as I walk towards him. Intentionally, I crawl over him to get to my side, crushing his legs slightly with my knees, but giving him a good enough view of how these shorts can really emphasise my shape.

He lets out a deep breath.

"You good?" I ask and he nods. No words.

I switch the lights off with my wand and I feel him pull the duvet over the both of us. I turn away from him and close my eyes attempting to fall asleep, but my eyes instantly open again, only just realising that the Mattheo Riddle is in my bed.

"Thanks for helping me Mattheo." I say suddenly, breaking the silence between us, and I feel him turn to face me, but my back is to him.

"Anytime babe."

"Say that one more time-"

"Sorry babe." I hear him laugh slightly when he says it this time and I instantly turn to face him, barely making his face out in the dark.

Only now, I realise that once I'm laying down facing him, our bodies and faces are centimetres apart. I feel his body heat radiating off of him, soothing me even more and making me sleepier.

"Call me that when you're actually my boyfriend." I tell him.

"When? You wanna make this real Camila?" He asks and I shake my head instantly.

"Sorry that's not what I meant-" I quickly say, embarrassed and he laughs a little.

I feel him looking at me and he takes his hand, and tucks a piece of hair behind my ear and whispers, "Goodnight Camila."

"Goodnight Mattheo." I reply and I swear I see him smile, before I shut my eyes once more, this time falling into a deep, peaceful sleep with Mattheo Riddle by my side.

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