31 | a different side

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I spend the rest of my night sleeping in his arms, cuddled up right next to him, as we embrace each other's warmth. It's the middle of the night right now,and I keep dozing in and out of sleep... Mattheo slept like a baby, falling asleep before me of course, and he hasn't budged the lightest... only when I try to move away slightly he instantly pulls me closer.

Our uhm... situation before we went to sleep left me very satisfied but also very tired... but I still have a lot on my mind regarding Mattheo, school and my mum too. I'm starting to believe Mattheo is genuine, and I really really hope he is otherwise I'm going to have big regrets, and I wouldn't know what to do with myself. And I've been thinking of explaining the whole situation to my mum, in attempt to convince her that Mattheo's a good guy... but I still feel like it's too early.

But for now, I'm going to attempt to sleep. We've got a long day tomorrow.


The next morning I wake up and turn over in hope to see Mattheo sleeping ever so peacefully behind me. But as soon as I do, he's gone. Not in my bed, not in my room... I sit up looking around confused, and then assume he's gone to the boys room... but he shouldn't have left me. He shouldn't have let me wake up alone after what happened between us.

I urgently get up and remembering to bring my keycard with me as I leave my room and quickly knock on the boys door opposite me. There's no response and I'm assuming they're fast asleep. I knock again and nobody answers. "Fuck it."

I take out my wand and cast a spell and the door instantly opens. Enzo and Blaise are snoring away and so I swing open the bathroom door to find Theo stood there half naked. I swiftly cover my eyes and he gasps, taking a step back. "Woah there angel, careful now."

"Sorry, sorry, have you seen Riddle?"

"Nope I thought he went to yours? Are you guys back on it?"

"No- I don't know... he was there he stayed the night but-"

"He left when he woke up?" Theo asks, as if he's thinks it's a normal 'Riddle thing' to do.

"Yeah... does he usually do that?" My hands are still covering my face, but then I feel Theo move them away, and I open my eyes to realise he's slipped into some joggers, but still with no top on. I try my best to look elsewhere.

"I can't lie to you angel, but you already know this... he's known to be a player. So in this case... I don't know." He takes a breath. "Me and the boys have seen a different side to him ever since he's been with you... so maybe he has a genuine reason for not being there when you woke up." Theo shrugs. "I doubt he's playing you. He really likes you."

"Right... I better find him then." I nod, and Theo looks me up and down once before nodding back, and turning back to the sink as he grabs a toothbrush.

"Let me know if you find him."


I search everywhere, practically on almost every floor and even the main reception downstairs, where for some reason the lady at the counter wasn't there. I decide to look again in the lobby, scanning the restaurant and then heading towards the entrance.

Where could he be?


Startled, I turn around with a gasp to find Mattheo stood right behind me, the first thing I notice is the fresh wound on his neck, looking as if someone's attempted to slice him with a knife. My jaw drops and my eye widens, and I rush to him, his eyes looking tired, his hair all messy and his breathing quite heavy.

"Mattheo- I- what happened!?' I ask him worriedly and he walks straight past me, heading back upstairs but I hurriedly follow on from behind.

"Don't worry about it. Got that first aid kit?" He clicks the button open for the lift, and we both enter, and I stand there face to face with him, but he won't look at me.

"No I don't but I can get one-"


"Was it those same wizards again?" He looks at me blankly. "Mattheo speak to me!"

"I told you, don't worry about it." He says, finally looking at me in the eye.

"You're seriously going to keep secrets from me?" I scoff, an he doesn't say anything once again. "Brilliant. Go fuck yourself Mattheo." With that, I walk out of the lift and leave him there, before entering my room and slamming the door shut. I begin to pace back and forth in my room, running my hands through my hair as I think things through.

He's pissed me off big time, and definitely has something dodgey going on but it kills me to see him injured like that, and I'm assuming magic won't fix it like last time. I take a deep breath, storm out of my room, run to the main reception and find the lady at the counter.

She looks at me weirdly and smirks, almost laughing to herself. What the fuck is her problem?

"Hi, do you have a first aid kit?"

"Your friend injured?" She chuckles and I look at her confused.

How does she know that?

"How do you know?"

"He's a very handsome boy." She laughs as she hands me the box and I'm instantly creeped out. Her face suddenly changes from laughing to a dead straight face as her eyes won't leave mine and by then, I quickly rush back upstairs, taking the first aid box with me.

I knock on the boys door and Enzo opens it, his eyes half closed as he just stands there looking at me blankly. He blinks again and then his eyes opens up slightly. "Oh! Camila, it's you!"

"Yes Enzo tis I. Is Riddle in there?"

"He is but I just woke up. They're waffling about some blood or god knows what." He yawns and I quickly enter the room to find Blaise and Theo looking at Mattheo's injury.

"Don't worry boys it's fine-"

"It's not fine." I cut him off and grab him by the wrist, dragging him out of the room. I open the door to my room and slam the door shut, and make him sit on the edge of the bed.

"I thought you were mad at me."

"I am mad at you." I chuckle, opening the box and begin to clean his wound aggressively.

"Ow! Be more gentle Camila." He groans and I roll my eyes and finish plastering him up. "Thank you." He looks up at me with those pretty sparkling eyes and I look away for a moment before looking back down at him seriously.

"Either you tell me right now what's going on and who you're involved with or else I'm never speaking to you again."

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