38 | a piece of advice

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My mum provided Mattheo and I with floo powder, which we used in the fireplace. It instantly sent us back to the Slytherin common room in a puff of green smoke, and I let out a sigh of relief that we made it back in time before anyone could notice that we were gone.

However, before I left, my mum made sure to pull me to a side and talk to me about the letters. She explained that she's still mad, but McGonagall told her that it was another student's fault (Pansy the pig's) and that they stole the letters. She gave me a hug and some last piece of advice.

"A man can promise you the world Camila. But that doesn't mean you're always going to get it... you're in the honeymoon period now, everything's happy and good. But men always show their true colours later on. Be aware of that."

"Yes mama. But Mattheo's different."

"No, he's not. They're all the same. You may think he's better than the others, which maybe he is. But in some way or another he will do something stupid. Unless he has already?"

"Uhm..." I think back to our argument in the hotel. "No."

"Right, well be weary. You're going to have to stay away from him as much as possible from now on anyway." She sighs. "It'll be hard. You're in love, so it'll take time to distance yourselves. Once the loyalists are locked in Azkaban, you're free to do what you want. I'm not going to keep you trapped like your father did. Okay?"

"Okay mama." I give her the tightest hug and take in everything she said, before bidding my goodbyes and leaving with Mattheo.

Now we were back at Hogwarts, the two of us stood there blankly. "That was one hell of a trip." Mattheo states, and I blink.

"For real." I sigh. "I'm going to go and freshen up. It's late."


My sleep last night was amazing, I needed it so bad after all the travel and chaotic events that unfolded over the past two days. It's been mental. But today, I got myself together. I spent most of my time in the library finishing off on all the work I let pile up, and made sure to make amends with Astoria.

She's been nothing but nice to me ever since I've apologised, and the emptiness in my stomach has now gone. I feel more comforted and less lonely now that I know I've made an actual friend. Who's a girl, that is. I guess I count Enzo, Theo and Blaise as my mates too of course. But it's nice to have a girl friend who understands certain things more.

I haven't told her anything about what's happened over the past two days since I've only just started being friends with her. I've learned not to trust people so easily anymore.

"What do you have next?" She asks me with a smile, both of us strolling through the corridors, earning stares from people as we walk past. I guess people haven't forgotten that I 'dated' the Dark Lord's son.

"I have a free period, how about you love?" I ask her and she looks down, her cheeks going red slightly.

"I have Charms." She says.

"Ooh, who do you sit next to?" I ask, having a hunch.

"Theodore." She says, her smile growing.

"Ah, I see... you two close?" I ask and wiggle my brows at her.

"Hey!" She squeals, laughing.

"Astoria and Theo sitting in a tree-"

"Don't you dare Camila, someone's going to hear!" She whisper-shouts.

"My bad, my bad. Well you have fun with lover boy, I got to go to the library."

"You've been in there all day."

"I need to catch up!"

I bid my goodbyes to her and watch as she enters the classroom, and then notice Theo approaching me. "Hey angel." He says and I smile. "Good to see you got back in one piece."

"Of course." I sigh. "You got charms?"

"Mhm. How about you?"

"I have a free." I say. "Anyway, enjoy your time with Astoria."

"Greengrass?" He asks and I nod. "Oh. Okay."

"Right, see you later." I turn away and make my way to the library, but on my way there I suddenly feel hands on my waist grabbing me from behind, and dragging me into an empty classroom. My heart rate immediately quickens as I enter a state of fight or flight. My immediate thoughts are Draco, harassing me or something.

The door shuts and locks and I turn around ready to scream as loud as I can, but when I do, I come to the realisation that it's Riddle.

"Oh my god." I gasp. "I thought you were Malfoy!"

"Right, that's the worst thing you've ever said to me." He says, and takes a step closer to me, as I take a step back, my ass hitting the table behind me. I sit down, and he towers over me, his dead eyes scanning my face and body.

"Mattheo what are you doing?" I ask, my voice quiet and nervous, his presence intimidating almost.

"Am I not allowed to see you?" He asks, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Uh, no. Didn't you hear what my mum said?" I tell him, looking confused.

"No one has to know."


"Everything's much more exciting when it's in secret love." Is all he says, and he parts my legs, and stands between them. His hand runs up my thigh, and I let out a breath. His hand wraps around my neck and he tilts my head up slightly, leaving him space in the crook of my neck. With one hand resting on my thigh, moving further and further up, he begins to plant wet kisses on my neck, sucking on my skin, which definitely would leave a hickey.

I don't tell him to stop, since the sensation running through me and my lower half makes me feel so good. I let out a slight moan, and his hand trails to my tits, as he squeezes them. I felt the need to tease him at the same time, so my hand reaches for his crotch, as I begin to stroke the outside of his black joggers. "Fuck." He breathes out, parting from my neck for a moment. "Don't tease me like that baby."

My cheeks flush red and I look up into his eyes, and wrap my arms around his neck, and I slowly pull him closer to me, my eyes flicking from his lips to his eyes. He notices and his mouth parts slightly, only inches away from mine.

I want to kiss him so bad.

My hand plays with his curly locks as he gets closer to me. Only millimetres away, I can feel his breath fan across my face, and I look up into his eyes as he comes to a stop. A smirk forms across his face.

"What do you want Camila?" He asks seductively in a low voice.

"You know what I want." I say, almost a whisper.

"Say it."

"I want to kiss you." He looks away and I see a grin forming across his face. He rolls his tongue across the inside of his mouth and he looks back at me, standing up straighter.

"You'll get your chance." Is all he says and I push him away.

"Uh, you'll be lucky to get anyway near my lips Riddle." I scoff and stand up from the table.

"Hm, we'll see about that."

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