46 | not guilty

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He's been gone for a while and it's worrying me like crazy. He should be back by now? It's been five hours since he left to go speak to Professor McGonagall. If something was up, he definitely would've come back to tell me about it.

I get out of bed and sort myself out, getting some appropriate and warm clothes on - so Mattheo doesn't freak out about me being in the cold when I'm on my period - and head out of the Slytherin common room and make my way over to Headmistress McGonagall's office.

I knock on the door and it swings open, she calls me in and I stand there, realising I haven't really thought about what I was going to say.

"I suspect you've come here about Mr Riddle, am I right?" She asks and I nod, and suddenly the doors behind me shut abruptly.

"Where's he gone Professor?"

"I'm sure you've heard about these pesky loyalists of the Dark Lord, am I correct?" She asks and I nod.

"They're the ones who killed my mum." I tell her.

"So I've been told. I'm really sorry about what happened Miss Dobrev, I'm sure it's been a difficult time for you." She sighs. "But the ministry has called Mattheo Riddle to court as a witness. They've caught the loyalists who attacked your mother, and he's been brought in for questioning."

My hand slaps over my mouth in shock, processing what she's just told me. "It's dangerous for him to go! Look what happened the last time my mother went-"

"They've caught the loyalists Camila, there's nothing to worry about. After this court session, I'm sure they'll be sent off to Azkaban. If it weren't for your mum, the ministry would never have been aware that these death eaters were still causing trouble." She explains.

Suddenly I come to a realisation. My mother never told the Ministry that Mattheo was the one who got attacked... they'll be thinking that he's one of them too, which is why they've called him in for questioning! They haven't called him in as a victim, they want to find out whether he's part of them too-

Oh fuck, this isn't good. This isn't good at all. "Professor McGonagall, does the Ministry think that Mattheo is one of them?"

"Well their logic is that they have the right to assume, since he's the Voldemort's son, which is why he's being questioned." She says and my jaw drops.

"He's innocent! He shouldn't have gone! Other loyalists could find out and attack him on his way there." I say worriedly.

"I know you think he's innocent Camila but it's better if they get this over with."

"Please Professor, you have to let me go there. I need to be there. It was my mother who got killed!"

"The Ministry instructed that you stay at the castle. It's too dangerous for you to leave Camila. You're just going to have to wait it out, and as soon as I get news I'll let you know. Okay?" She tells me and my eyes start filling with tears. I turn around and leave her office, slamming the doors shut behind me as I slowly make my way back to the common room, tears rolling down my cheeks.

I earn stares from groups of students but I don't care. All I want to know is if I'll ever see him again. He could be charged an Azkaban sentence eventhough he's innocent, and I don't know how I could possibly live with that.

I finally reach the common room and it's been emptied out, everyone in the Great Hall for dinner. But the only person left is Draco, and when he sees me, disgust forms on his face as he approaches me. I pray that he walks straight past me and to the exit, but when it looks like he's approaching me instead, panic starts to settle in.

"Crying because your bitch is gone?" He chuckles.

"Fuck off Malfoy." I cry, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Father informed me that the Ministry has taken him in, but nobody knows why. Scandalous don't you think?"

"Shut up." I mutter and his hand holds onto my cheek. I swat his hand away and look up and him in anger.

"I'm sure you've realised by now that they're probably taking him into Azkaban for whatever reason. Probably for simply existing." He chuckles. "That means you," he points his finger to me and then back at him. "And I, can have some fun."

"You'd be lucky to even fucking touch me Malfoy." I spit and barge past him to go to my dorm, but suddenly he grips onto my wrist and attempts to pull me back. I whip out my wand in no time and cast a spell right at him, which sends him flying back and throwing him out of the common room. I run all the way to my dorm and slam the doors shut with a bang.

I flop into my bed and cover my head with my pillow, imagining Mattheo going over to the Ministry, not knowing what's coming for him. My poor innocent boy.

I hope they believe him when he tells them the truth, that he did nothing wrong and that he was never on their side. But to them, that sounds exactly like what a criminal would say to prove that they're supposedly not guilty.

Merlin, I hope he's alright.

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