29 | no real feelings

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"Can I come in?"

I shouldn't let him in. I know exactly what's going to happen.

"I- why?" My stomach twists and turns, as I notice him scanning my body, looking at me intently.

"Can't sleep, and neither can you." He says, but before I can say anything he walks straight past me and into my room, floating about and examining my things. I don't say anything, truly not knowing what to say to him this time. Before I shut my room's door, I swear I catch a glimpse of something scurrying across the corridor.

I blink, and look again.

Must be my imagination, it is like 2 am.

"The boys asleep?" I ask him, locking the door. He smirks as he watches me turn the lock and I roll my eyes. "Don't get any ideas."

"They knocked out ages go, just been sat reading this whole time."

Funny. I was reading too.

"Right." I breathe out, and walk over to him at my dressing table, where he's examining all my makeup products. I snatch my foundation off of him and put it back in its place.

"So much makeup and for what?" I just ignore him and lift myself up on to the table, sitting down comfortably.

His eyes look down at my legs and back up at my face, as he stands directly in front of me, his hood up still, and his curls shadowing his eyes. I pull his hood off his head and he scrunches his face. "Oi."

"Why are you actually here Mattheo?" I ask him, kind of frustrated, wanting an answer out of him.

"Wanted time away from school." He shrugs.

"Right." I say annoyed, and he takes a step closer to me, using his hands to part my legs open slightly, so he stands directly between them.

My stomach flips. His hands rest on either side of me, leaning on the table.

"And..." He continues, "I wanted to see you."

"Mattheo-" I breathe out but he cuts me off, placing a finger to my lips.

"Accept it Camila. I wanted to spend time with you one last time." He tucks a piece of hair behind my ear.

"You're so confusing." I say frustrated, and push him away from me. I notice his mischievous smirk forming on his face, as he watches me get aggressive. The truth is, I've had enough of being puzzled, and unaware of everything.

"I'm confusing?" He laughs. "How?" He takes a step towards me again but I push him harder this time, and he barely stumbles back.

I hate how much stronger and taller he is than me.

"The other day, you told me I have to let go. And that's what I'm doing. Okay?" I tell him, raising my voice slightly. "We both made the rules for our whole facade. No real feelings. We agreed on that, did we not?"

"We did, Camila."

"Exactly so-"

"Rules are made to be broken."

I stand there frozen in place, and I just look into his eyes, truly trying to read what this boy is thinking. It pains me that he can read my mind whenever he wants, but I can't read his.

"Well, have we broken them yet Mattheo?" I ask seriously, and he takes a deep breath. It's a hard question, because it's basically me asking him if he has feelings for me. He knows how I feel, I'm sure he does.

"All I know is that if we start this, if we start this whole feelings thing, it'll be difficult for the both of us to let go, and at that point we're bound to get caught by your mum."

I stare at him blankly.

"So you're one of them?" I scoff, crossing my arms and looking up at him, now seeing him in a different light. Now coming to the realisation of what this actually is.

"One of who?"

"An 'I don't do feelings or real relationships' guy." I laugh.

"Maybe, I don't know." He shrugs and I immediately point to the door.

"Get out please. I can't deal with you right now."


"I'm not just going to be your casual fling Mattheo. I don't want that."

"Realistically though, can we be anything more, without us getting caught or without one of us breaking the other's heart?" He asks and I'm now more angry than ever.

"I'm not even going to bother answering that question, please just get out." He gives in, and takes a deep breath, before walking out of my room. I follow behind him so I can lock the door shut.

He walks out and I shut the door immediately, not knowing whether how I'm feeling is valid or not. I'm sure it is, I mean, what the hell? I'm not just going to be his casual hoe when I know I have feelings deeper than that. Why would I put myself through that pain?

And on top of that, he's just shown me his true colours. I ways assumed he'd be the type just to mess around with girls. I thought he was completely different with me, but I guess that's not the case.

A knock at the door.

"Oh for fucks sake." I groan and open it, to find Riddle still stood there. "What now?"

"Uh... I accidentally left the keycard inside, and now I can't get in the room."

I stand there, looking at him blankly.

He's done that on purpose.

"If you're thinking I've done it on purpose, I swear I haven't." He says.

"Have you tried knocking? Or maybe using your wand?"

"Neither of them will wake up with a knock Camila, I've tried. And I've also left my wand inside too, but even if I did bring it we can't use it." He looks up at the CCTV right outside our rooms.

"Oh my days."

"So are you going to let me in or..."

"Just get in Riddle."

I really can't get rid of this boy.

"No you can't." He scoffs and I slam the door shut.

"Get out of my head Riddle!"

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