22 | the quidditch craze

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My last class of the day was potions, and it was crazy. I still can't comprehend what had happened, and why I even let it happen. I just... I just don't know what that boy does to me.

Whenever I'm around him, I feel so different, as if I'm like heavily drawn towards him, or like he's heavily drawn towards me. He confuses me, and that's bad. He shouldn't be confusing me at all.

At the end of the day, we're going to 'break up', and that's going to be the end of my involvement with the Dark Lord's son. I can't break my mother's promise. I can't.

And anyway, on top of all that, he keeps a lot of secrets from me. A lot. And he's annoying. We don't get along usually, and we've already had multiple arguments even though we're not even properly together.

But I have to look past all this. It's only been five days of knowing this boy, and this relationship has to last at least a month otherwise it won't be believable to anyone.

For now, I'm getting ready to attend the quidditch match that everyone's been screaming about all day. The craze over this everlasting competition between Gryffindor and Slytherin is actually insane. But it's fun I guess, and I do hope Slytherin win obviously.

Josh being in Gryffindor will definitely think otherwise.

I need to be ready by six, and it's five right now. This is not enough time to get my outfit makeup and hair done. As I'm panicking about what I'm going to wear, there's a knock at the door.

I head over and open it, to find Astoria stood there with a box of what looks like Slytherin cupcakes in her hands. "Hey Camila." She smiles.

"Hey Astoria, those cupcakes look delicious."

"Aha yes, I made them for the match this evening. But I was wondering if you could help me with makeup? I'm really good at hair, but makeup is not my strong point. If you're busy that's fi-"

"Omg of course, come in." I let her in and let her sit at my vanity. "I still need to pick out an outfit and do my hair and makeup too. Would you mind doing my hair?"

"It'd be my pleasure."

For the next hour, Astoria and I have the most fun time getting ready together, and talking about girly things like hair, makeup, clothes, boys even. She let me in on her secret of who she has a crush on. Turns out it's the one and only Theodore Nott.

I decided to go for a more comfy outfit, and not really go all out

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I decided to go for a more comfy outfit, and not really go all out. Astoria informed me that it'll be cold and windy, so with a comfy sweater and my hair tied up in a pony, I think I should be good.



"Do you still speak to Pansy then?" I ask her, trying to figure this girl out.

"She hasn't been speaking to me ever since her outburst at you. She's been clinging on to Draco all week." She tells me. "I try and speak to her, because as bad as she's been recently, she's been my best friend since first year."

"I understand." I sigh. "Maybe she'll come to her senses."

"I hope so. And I hope she gets over her Draco obsession. She hasn't stopped talking about him since we started this school."

"Oh gosh. Anyway, we look fit." I smile, as the both of us pose in front of my mirror.

"We should probably go now. We're already ten minutes late."


We arrive at the stands, and rummage through the crowd of students to get the front row seats. Two of those people being Draco and Pansy. I assumed Draco was on the team, but turns out he got kicked out.

The two of them, especially Pansy, give us the dirtiest looks to both Astoria and I, and the two of us just giggle as we make our way to the front row. Our names on cards were placed on the chairs, meaning someone had already reserved the seats for us.

The match had already begun, and I instantly spot the boys: Blaise, Enzo, Theo and Mattheo on their broomsticks, immersed in the game. I already knew that Mattheo was the seeker, because no one would shut up about it to me all day.

I'm at the edge of my seat every time the snitch comes close to Mattheo, because seconds later, Harry Potter is always on his way, fighting to catch it first.

There's been a few close calls, but I've realised, Potter is fast, but Riddle is evidently faster. You can tell he has tactics, and uses them wisely.

After a couple of minutes, Gryffindor is in the lead by two points, and their house goes wild. The rest of us Slytherins sit there slumped in our seats, having little hope left because there's only less than two minutes before the match ends.

I pray and pray to Merlin that a miracle happens, and watch my boy try his hardest to chase the snitch. Everyone knows that for Slytherin to win, it all counts on Riddle now.

The snitch sends both Riddle and Potter high into the sky, round in circles, and zapping past each of the stands, blowing wind into our faces.

But that's when he does it.

We all gasp, because in a flash, Mattheo catches the golden snitch, and the whole of Slytherin house goes crazy. Everyone's cheering, including myself, as we watch him hold the snitch in their air as he circles the arena on his broom stick.

He comes to a stop, right by our stand, and flies towards me. He has a huge contagious grin on his face, as he looks right at me happily.

He comes closer, and I lean over the edge slightly, and he holds my cheek with his hand. I'm unsure with what he's about to do, his eyes drift from my eyes to my lips... and my heart skips a beat.

I made a rule that he can't kiss me. We sorta did more than that, and broke that rule earlier on today. It almost didn't feel fake.

And this moment right now, the adrenaline we're both feeling, the excitement of us winning, of us seeing each other... it definitely doesn't feel fake either.

But that's when he plants a soft kiss on my cheek, millimetres away from my lips, and all the boys go crazy. Especially Blaise, Theo and Enzo, as they all continue to cheer.

He didn't kiss my lips.

And for some reason...

Part of me wishes he did.

Mattheo flies away to celebrate with his friends and Astoria looks at me with her jaw dropped.


"Maybe it was a little." I say laughing, and she begins to squeal, giving me a tight hug.

What an evening.

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