44 | someone so understanding

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Mattheo's POV

I knew for a fact Camila was upset that everybody else got to go to Hogsmeade today and she couldn't, due to it being too dangerous for both herself and I. Eventhough she said she didn't mind, I knew she felt left out. As well as that, she looked kinda pale and ill too, so I read her mind (eventhough I shouldn't have done) and found out she's on her period.

Therefore, I made the executive decision to make this the best day for her, and comfort her in the best way that I can.

"Binky!" I whisper shout, crouching slightly by the kitchen counter, trying to avoid getting caught by any wandering professors. I let out a sigh of relief when my little kitchen elf friend appears from around the corner.

"Mr Riddle! What a pleasure it is to see you. It's been too long." He says a little too loudly.

"Sssh Binky I'm going to get caught. Good to see you too though."

"Why is Mr Riddle here?" He whispers.

"I need you to make me like a basket of chocolate treats and snacks. Some of the best kind." I tell him and he tilts his head in wonder. Binky's always been a curious elf.

"It's for a girl isn't it?" He asks and my eyes widen in surprise. "Don't tell me you've finally got one?"

"Uh, Binky, how did you guess?"

"Your face. It says it all Mr Riddle." He says. "I'll get right to it, I won't be a minute."

I wait at the side for Binky to finish up with his magic and he shows me the basket, and I smile at the sight. He did a perfect job. Just what I had envisioned for Camila.

"It's perfect. Thank you, Binky." I smile and bid my goodbyes before returning to the empty Slytherin common room and then up the stairs to Camila's dorm. The whole castle was practically empty since everyone had dashed off to Hogsmeade.

I open the door to find Camila tucked in bed with her fluffy blankets and a hot water bottle, and she looks up and when she sees me holding the basket her face brightens. She barely moves from her position though, and grins at me as I bring it round to her.

"Hey you." I say and she attempts to sit up but groans in pain as she tries.

"What's all this Mattheo?" She asks, peering into the basket. "Oh my god! Chocolate! I've been craving it so bad, how did you know?"

"Intuition." I shrug and I sit next to her, kicking my shoes off and opening the basket for her. "You don't seem well, you okay?" She pauses for a moment, looking almost embarrassed.

"On my period." She mutters and I nod.

"Ah I see. Chocolate will definitely help then." I say to her. "I think there's some hot chocolate in there too, to warm up your stomach."

"Right, you definitely somehow already knew I was on my period. Didn't you Mattheo?" She says and I scratch my head.

"Uhmm... maybe?"

"I knew it." She pecks my cheek and I smile. God she's so perfect.

"Count this as a little date." I tell her as she munches on chocolate.

"We've been having dates watching movies together for the past week." She says and I chuckle.

"That's true."

"It's been the best." She smiles. "Thank you for being here for me... I know sometimes I can be difficult when I randomly start crying and stuff but-"

"Don't be sorry for grieving. You've been so strong. If that was me, I probably would've lost it and gone on a murder spree."

"Sounds like something you'd do." She giggles.

Camila and I have the best time as we usually do, and we ended up putting on another Disney film and shutting the lights off. I let her rest in my lap as I massage her stomach, trying to make the pain go away.

Suddenly she turns around to face me and she lets out a breath. "You know Mattheo... I've had the most fun with you than I ever have had in my life."

"Is that so?" I ask, tucking a hair behind her ear.

"Mhm. My life before meeting you was so shitty. It got better after my dad died but before that it was the worst." She tells me.

"Camila... what did your dad do to you?" I ask, hoping now's the right time to talk about this.

"He was always abusive to my mum and I. He rarely was home due to serving the Dark Lord, which I never knew at the time of course. But when he was at home, he was really violent. He'd scream, shout, hit me and my mum. Sometimes even Josh too. He was really controlling and stripped us away from our freedom." She explains and let's out a breath. "I'm just glad he's gone. And I'm glad I know why he's gone too." She smiles.

"He deserved it." I say. "How dare he- if I knew this before, I would've made sure his ending was a lot worse." She interlocks her fingers with mine and looks down.

"What... what was your father like to you?" She says, looking almost scared to ask. I'd probably be pissed if anybody else did ask, but with her, I felt free to tell her whatever.

"I kept my distance. He was always wanting me to do more, to kill more... just for him. But I refused to. Sometimes I'd get the occasional crucio curse from him because of my rebellious behaviour and it hurt like a bitch but I guess it made me stronger. Physically and mentally."

"You're so strong Mattheo." She says, gliding her hand across my arm, and I appreciate the fact that she isn't pitying me, but instead being proud of how I've pushed through all the shit and torture.

"Thank you for not pitying me."

"Pitying you wouldn't change the past." She says. "All I can see now is who've you become, and I'm proud of that. You're so brave."

She warms my heart, and I don't want to ever lose her. I've never had someone speak to me like that before, or make me feel so... loved. It's a feeling I don't think I'm ever gonna get used to. But I don't mind experiencing it more with her. She's everything I want and more.

Eventhough she thought it was fake, since the beginning I felt as if it was real. Everything I felt and thought was real, and I only hoped she'd think that too. I think now... it's finally come to that point, and I'm the happiest I've ever been.

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