Prompt 90

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Prompt: Children discover a deep, dark well in the woods - an old ladder leads down into it.

Once upon a time, in a dense forest far away from civilisation, there lived two curious children, Emily and Jack. They were wandering through the woods when they stumbled upon a deep, dark well hidden behind some overgrown bushes.

The well was old and made of stone, with a rusty ladder leading down into its depths. Emily and Jack were immediately intrigued and, without thinking twice, began to climb down the ladder to explore the depths of the well.

The ladder creaked beneath their weight as they descended deeper and deeper into the darkness. The air grew colder and damper, and the sound of their footsteps echoed off the stone walls.

When they finally reached the bottom, they looked around in awe. The well was enormous, with a vast underground lake at the bottom. The water was crystal clear and the walls of the well were covered in glowing mushrooms and strange, otherworldly plants.

As they explored further, they noticed strange markings on the walls, symbols they had never seen before. They wondered who had made them and why. 

Suddenly, they heard a faint whisper in the darkness. Emily and Jack looked at each other, both feeling a shiver run down their spines. They wondered if it was just their imagination, but the whisper grew louder and more distinct.

They followed the sound of the whisper and found a hidden chamber deep within the well. There, they discovered an old book lying on a stone pedestal.

As they opened the book, they read the mysterious symbols and felt a strange power demanding from the pages. They didn't understand the language, but they could feel the ancient knowledge contained within its pages.

Emily and Jack knew they had discovered something truly special, something that would change their lives forever. They climbed back up the ladder, and with the book in hand, they made their way out of the woods, eager to see what secrets it held.

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