Prompt 84

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Prompt: The teacher is a monster, but no one will believe you.

Once upon a time, there was a young student named Lily who attend a small elementary school in a quiet town. Lily was a diligent student who loved learning, but she had a problem: her teacher, Mrs. Smith, was a monster.

Mrs. Smith was not just strict and demanding, she was downright cruel. She would berate students for the smallest mistakes, humiliate them in front of the class, and even physically punish them. Lily had seen Mrs. Smith grab and student's arm and twist it until he cried out in pain. She had heard Mrs. Smith call a student stupid and tell her she would never amount to anything. Lily was terrified of her teacher, but no one believed her when she tried to tell them what was happening.

Lily's parents had met with Mrs. Smith and the principal, but they had been reassured that everything was fine. Lily's classmates thought she was exaggerating, and even the other teachers seemed blind to Mrs. Smith's behaviour, Lily felt alone and trapped, with no one to turn to.

One day, Lily decided to take matters into her own hands. She brought a hidden camera to school and recorded Mrs. Smith's abusive behaviour. She captured Mrs. Smith throwing a book at a student's head, slapping another student's face, and even pulling a student's hair. Lily was horrified by what she saw, but she was also relieved to have proof of what she had been experiencing.

Lily showed the video to her parents and the principal, but even then, Mrs. Smith denied any wrongdoing. It was only when the videos were shown to the school board that Mrs. Smith was finally fired. Lily was praised for her bravery, but she still felt angry and frustrated that no one had believed her until she had hard evidence. 

The experience left a lasting impact on Lily. She became an advocate for student rights and worked to create a safer and more supportive learning environment for all students. She knew that there were other students out there who were also suffering in silence, and she was determined to make sure that their voices were heard. 

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