Chapter 1

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I was sitting in a cubbie at school, passing the time between classes by reading. I sat the book down to look out the window, already my hand going under my long sleeve shirt. The scars were there. It reassured me that no one could hurt me worse than myself, not even my father. My thoughts wandered to last night, coming home too late from Alice's. He was drunk, of course, and angry with me as always. He hurried out of his recliner after me. I thought of running up the stairs to my bedroom and locking the door; but what good would that do? It would piss him off more and make the abuse even worse. He slapped me hard and I fell to the floor, clutching my face. I was holding back tears as he kicked me about five times, then a sixth one for good measure, before spitting on me and passing out on the couch. Quickly, once I made sure he wasn't coming back, I bolted up the stairs. I quickly threw open my backpack, my hand reaching for the blade. Finding it, I pulled it out, releasing it on my skin like a wild junk yard dog. After two cuts, making sure they bled, I rinsed it off in the sink, put proxide on it, then wrapped a bandage around it. I slipped into pajama's and went to bed craddling the arm that was freshly opened.

"Hey!" I turned in shock to see Alice. I stopped feeling the scars and returned to the present. She was short with pudge that looked right. She had short black pixie hair with pale skin. She was in a tight-fitted white shirt, black skinny jeans, and a leather jacket with big silver hoop earrings. She always looked chic and cute.

"Oh hey Alice. What's up?" She moved to sit down. That's when i noticed a blonde kid behind her stsrting to blush once i realized i was staring. Quickly I looked away.

"You, me, some guys I just meant in Drama dinner. No excuses you look like shit you have to get out and have a drink."

"I was out with you all last night shopping." Igrumbled. Then i got the shit kicked out of me. "What day is it?"

"Friday." I took a sigh. Tonight dad was spending the night at Lisa's.

"Fine I'll go. Where am I meeting you?" Alice's smile grew bigger knowing she won again.

"Well I'll text you where and when. What time does your last class end today?" I looked at my watch although I didn't need too.

"Six." she nodded.

"Alright. Oh and this is Niall." she smiled at him and he returned it. Niall waved at me i smiled and waved back. "See you later." She gave me a kiss on the cheek then hopped up walking away with Niall.

Later Alice texted me "7 o'clock Highland's bar.' I sat my cell down and started my car going home. Quickly i took a shower letting my blonde hair go in it's curls. I put make up on noticing the bruise was starting to show. I went to my car at 6:40 knowing I didn't live far from the place.

At Highland's bar i waitied outside for Alice. She at 6:57. "Okay let's go get the table." we went in, "Hi we need a table for seven."

"Right this way." We followed the hostess once she was gone I looked at Alice in alarm.

"Seven people?" She gave me an eye roll like it was obivious.

"Me you, Niall, Zayn, Liam, Louis and Harry. Chill because here they come." We both stood as they reached the table Alice gave them all grins and a kiss on the chhek. I shook their hands saying hi. "Hey guys this is Emily." She gave me a smiled as we all sat down. Thru the dinner I was sitting by Louis and Harry. Harry was extremely cute and on got on with him well. Alice caught me staring once and i knew I wouldn't hear the end of this.

As the night came to a close i felt my finers slip along my wrists. I bit my lip realising Harry was watching me. "Emily My house for a movie!" I smiled.

"Alright." Harry walked up to me. "Hey Harry." This is the first time I had really talked. At dinner my thoughts were else where.

"Hey the boys and i came in one car could i ride with you I feel a bt cramped."

"Sure." I gave him a smile as we walked to my car. "You have to jiggle the door handle." As he did this it opened with still difficulty. "Sorry cars a junker."

"That's alright I knida like it." He smiled at me as I drove to Alice's. Once there she let us all in. This was going to be a night I wouldn't let my problems get in the way of.

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