Chapter 11

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Emily's POV

The next morning I woke up next to Harry I grabbed the sheets pulling them over me covering them over me. I walked to where my clothes were grabbing them then moving to the bathroom. "Emily?" Harry's raspy morning voice made me jumped and I turned around. The room was lit by the sun shining on his face and shoulders making him look as if he was glowing.

"Oh yeah I was just getting dressed. I'll be right back."

"No Emily did I cut you somehow last night?" I looked at my arm now knowing that my scars and fresh cuts were showing. Quickly I covered my arms and went into the bathroom hurriedly I changed but Harry blocked my way out of the bathroom only in a pair of boxers. "Emily what happened? Is that a bruise under your eye?" My make up had worn off and I was completely vulnerable.

"Harry its nothing now I have to get home I have work tonight." He grabbed my arm anger in his once soft hazel green eyes. "Harry!" I screamed trying to shake him off.

"Emily tell me what's going on please. After last night I couldn't stand to lose you now but you have to tell me." 

"I don't have to tell you anything! Last night meant nothing I was drunk!" I said pushing past him. I could tell my words stung. "Now you can drive me home and not ask any questions or I can walk."

" I'll drive you let me get dressed." I walked out to the living room and sat on the couch with my duffle bag. I pulled my shirt sleeves down more just as Harry came out of the bedroom. "Ready?" He asked his voice hard and raspy not at all soft and light like last night. We went to the car and he drove me home. he didn't say a word. Not even goodbye. He sped off and I ran inside. My dad was gone. I looked in the fridge and there was no alcohol. I grabbed the box of coke to bring to my room knowing my dad was out shopping. I went in my room and laid on my bed sipping the coke. Last night ran through my head over and over like a movie. Then my thoughts turned bitter thinking of this morning. I took a shower and got ready for work then left before my dad could make it home.

Harry's POV

I drove off pissed. There was something she wasn't telling me with the cuts and the bruise. I picked up my phone calling someone. "Hello? Alice?"

"Hey Harry what is it?" I let out a heavy sigh.

"Did Emily tell you of any cuts or bruises?"

"Nothing about cuts but I have seen her with bruises before."

"Tell me what did she say?"

"Well at first she told me to mind my own business then she started saying that she fell or something happened at work."

"Is there anyone else that would know of her cuts and bruises?" The phone was silent for a moment before Alice cleared her throat speaking.

"Well she did mention a Mike from work. I meant him once he gave me his address and phone number."

"Great can I get them?" I said pulling off to the side of the road finding a pen and paper.

"Yeah." She gave me the address and phone number. "Oh and Harry if you find out can you tell me? I'm worried but don't give up on her."

"I can't Alice. Goodbye." I hung up the phone going to the address Alice gave me.

At the apartment building I went to his flat and knocked on the door hard. "Coming!" A minute later a twenty looking year old man opened the door. "Hey beautiful what can I do for you?"

"You can answer some questions. Emily the cuts and bruises."

"Oh you must be Harry and with that I can't help you."

"Why the hell not?"

"Because its not my business to tell."

"But you know?"

"Of course. Suppose you haven't meant her old man have you?" I looked at him raising and eye brow. Should I have meant him?


"Well then you don't know the reason for the cuts and bruises I can't help you mate." He was shutting the door before I put my foot in it.

"I have to know. She said she loved last night and I said it back we had sex then this morning Emily said last night that it was nothing. I need you to tell me everything."

"Will you leave her alone and completely discard her?"

"Why would I do that?"

"A lot of people after hearing her story would."

"I won't. I can't." He let me in and shut the door.

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