Chapter 17

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Emily's POV

The next morning I woke up stiff. I was still in my work clothes from last night. Looking over I saw Harry's button up shirt, taking it in my hands I started to cry. The events from last night played over and over in my head. Yes Harry I love you, that's why we can't be together. If he could just see it from my side everything would be a lot easier. I still have two in a half weeks left, but I'm not sure I can do it. I laid back on my bed, clutching his shirt. Tears were still falling when I  heard a light knock on the door. "Who is it?"

"Who do you think?"

"Alice?" She came in looking at me. Then I noticed she was looking at me holding the shirt.

"Harry's shirt?"

"Yeah..." I said biting lower lip.

"Well I got you your mail."

"Thanks." I grabbed my mail flipping through it. Then I stopped short. "Oh my gosh!"


"The university of New York accepted me!"

"No way!" She hugged me as we started jumping up and down. "Are you going?"

"Of course." Then I sat back down looking at it.

"What?" Alice sat on my bed rubbing my back.

"Well it's just that you're all here and New York is really far away."

"But its what you've been waiting for. And you have the rest of the summer to spend with us." I looked at the bed, tracing an imaginary line on the bed sheets.

"Its just I didn't think I would get in."

"Of course you were going to."

"How do I break the news to Harry?" Now she was the one puzzling, as she bit her bottom lip.

"Well you tell him straight forward. If he really loves you he will understand, you know that."

"But what if he doesn't? I wouldn't and I love him."

"But not the same way he loves you."

"What do you mean?"

"For Pete sake Emily! He has you living with him for two weeks for whatever reason! He made that garden for you last night! You've had sex with each other and he didn't wake you up the next morning telling you to leave! What else does he have to do to show you how much he loves you? You know Emily if a guy did all of this for me I wouldn't take it for granted, I would feel like I'm the only girl in his world."

"Alice that's the problem! He loves me too much! I know he will act okay to my face about leaving but right when I'm gone he will be hurt!"

"No Emily you will be hurt. That's what has stopped you your whole life. You're too afraid that you will be hurt so you don't go after anything you want."

"No that's your problem!"

"No it's not! I'm with Niall because I'm not afraid to be hurt."

"Niall's a penguin he couldn't hurt you if he tried."

"He could Emily, he could break me. But that's the difference between me and you. I put my heart out there to be broken because I'm not scared."

"That's your problem."

"No its not. Its a good thing if you would let it be. You go or you don't you have to tell Harry."

"Fine but I'm going back to bed."

"Goodbye Em."

"Bye Alice." 

I've hated her when she was right. I was laying on my bed as there was another knock. "Now who is it?"

"Its Harry." His voice is timid as he slowly cracked open the door. Alice's words still stung as I looked at Harry. "What was all the yelling about?" I handed him the letter. He read it then sitting on bed he looked at me. "Do you want to go?"

"Of course I do. I've wanted this forever."

"Then go."

"But wont you be hurt?"

"Only if we don't see each other when your over there."

"We would try as much as I could." He grabbed my hand rubbing it with his thumb.

"Look Emily go. I've never had you and, maybe after this separation you'll realize."

"Realize what?"

"That I'm awesome." A cheeky grin came on his face. I laid my head on his shoulder smiling.

"I already know that."

"Well then you can realize that your going to miss me."

"Of course I will." I said nudging him with an elbow.

"Well you should go." I bit my bottom lip. He kissed me and this time I let him, I leaned into it knowing we only had a month left. "I love you."

"Harry don't make this hard."

"Say it."

"I love you too." He gave me one last kiss.

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