Chapter 26

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Harry's POV

The next morning I woke up to the smell of french toast, I turned over to kiss Emily but she wasn't there. I started panicing, falshing up I didn't see her even dancing around the room. I quickly adventured out into the hall than finally making it to the kitchen. I stopped and smiled at the sceen. Emily was dancing around the kitchen grabbing things from the cubboards. She looked absoultly beautiful in her pink boody shorts and a white tank top. She grabbed a plate flipping french toast on it, when she caught the sight of me she sported a grin. I walked in further as she got out silver wear. "Sit down breakfast is ready."

"Which plate is cold?"

"This one."I took the plate and she scowled at me.

"Why don't you have the warmer one?"

"It's your week, you should have the warm one." I gave her a grin as she just laughed. "What time did you want to leave?"

"Afte I get ready and pack the basket."


"You can't go to the beach without the proper settings."

"Very true babe." I looked in her crystal blue eyes and she starred haapily at me. Sitting down we both took a bite. We finished out breakfast as quickly as possible, we rinsed our dishes and got ready. I put on bathing suit bottoms, a white tank top and a snap back tamming my wild curls. Emily came out in a lose white tank top also and some short jean shorts. It was crazy how beautiful she looked in something so simple. I looked at the floor grinnig. "I'll call the boys."

"Already done." She smiled tossing my phone. "They were a bit surprised to hear me on your phone." She giggled.

"Well than I'll help you pack the basket and let's head out." We went to pack the basket. She had made some things this morning for it. I put in the cooler the drinks, meats, potato salad, and the spahgetti salad. In another basket she put plates, bread, utensils,and cups. "What's that for?" I asked as grabbed a blanket.

"You'll see." She grabbed some towels and I grabbed the baskets. Then we were off for a day at the beach.


We meantup with everyone at the beach and it was exciting for all of us to have our girlfriends and us boys together. It doesn't happen often, usually Niall and I were the ones without girlfriends. You could tell Alice and Niall were deeply in love just by the way they looked at each other. Its the same way Emily and I look at one another.

She smiles up at me from sitting with the other girls. I smile back and at her than walk over to the boys. I pat Liam's back and throw my arm over Louis shoulder. "Hey mate! We brought burgers!" Louis piped.

"I'm cooking none of you blokes are allowed I want them to be edible." Niall actually looked serious saying that, we vouldn't help but laugh.

"I bought beers!" Louis interjected at us. We all gave him a high five while Liam just laughed. He doesn't drink much. Louis was the first to open a beer and take a drink. "Nice and cold." He laughed.

I was the next one to take a beer. "Liam, Emily and I brought non alcoholic drinks over in the cooler." He walked over pulling out a Pepsi and joined us again. "Well its still to early for burgers so what should we do till lunch?" Emily came up wrapping an arm around my waist. The other boys girlfriends did the same.

"I have an idea." She said planting a kiss on my lips. Then she took a vollyball from behind her back. "How about a game of vollyball?" I wasn't think that's what she meant. Minds in the gutter.

"Sounds fun!" Louis yelled.

"Girls against boys." Emily's smile was for sure evil. I couldn't help but laugh it was kind of cute. We went over to the net and girls - of course - had first serve. I was down in the front with Zayn. Louis, Niall, and Liam took the back, we all had the middle. Emily was lined up with me a devils smile on her face. I also smiled less menicing, because the last time she had an evil smile and I tried to copy it, it didn't turn out well. My face was all twisted and Emily just laughed. "Ready to lose baby?"

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