Chapter 12

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Harry's POV

Mike let me in and he lived in a fairly small flat. The furniture was old and worn with tares. Mike moved to the open kitchen and opened the fridge pulling out two cokes. When he came back he sent them on the end table and sat on the couch. "Please tell me." He stared at the door looking as if he was going to throw mw out at any minute. I waited patiently for him to talk and I didn't know if he even would, but then he cleared his throat.

"Harry are you and Emily dating yet?"

"No why?"

"Why not?" This is not the way I suspected the conversation to go. It caught me off guard. 'Why not?' I thought about it over and over till I finally thought I had an answer.

"Because we don't want to ruin the friendship but it looks like that might be over. Last night was the best then I saw the bruise now that the make up was gone and the sun was up; also I saw the cuts. She freaked at me having seeing them. Now the best thing I can do for her is help her no matter what the costs. I think her but I don't know." Mike was now staring at me and it was my turn to stare at the door. I took a deep breath its hard loving someone so much and seeing them hurt no matter what it is. I have never felt this way with really any of my girlfriends.

Emily was different and sure I always thought I was in love but nothing really that I knew would amount to anything. Emily made me feel happy when I completely felt like crap. Her smile could make my stomach have butterflies in an instant. She was everything I wasn't everything I needed to help me be me.

"Harry with what I'm about to tell you please take Emily's feelings into consideration. Just because she hasn't told you doesn't mean she doesn't love you back or anything like that. How I found out was horrible. How you're finding out is a way I wish I would of found out. So don't be mad with her or hurt she has her reasons for not telling you."

"Whatever it is I won't I promise." Mike faced me resting his elbows on his knees clasping his hands together.

"Okay. Her dad came into the shop one night where we work together. He was drunk and staggering you could tell he was drunk. Emily's dad was yelling at her pushing over tables and chairs being down right nasty. Emily and I being the only ones there she was trying to keep me from hearing it or anything. I told her father to leave or I was calling the cops so he left and, I made Emily tell me the story. Her father abuses her and because he does so she cuts. At first he started drinking after her mum died then he started drinking more and more. Then he became violent and after a year of that he became worse and she started to cut to ease the pain. Now she think I don't know about her cutting but she left holes in her story and I caught her wrist once and I put it together." It hit me like a bunch of bricks. My Emily my perfect Emily. I felt sick to my stomach but Mike didn't look like he was done with the story yet. "In her first year she went to the hospital and she vaguely remembers how she got there. I brought her. One night at work she hadn't come out of the bathroom for a while so I checked on her."


"Let me finish Harry. Anyway she had cut deep and was bleeding lying on the floor. I picked her up and brought her to my car. She almost killed herself Harry in a way she's damaged but we all are. She didn't mean to almost kill herself but I don't want to talk to her about her cutting and have Emily hate me. She needs friends Harry people to love her. And if you can't do that for her get out of her life now." His words were strong and demanding.

"Mike..." I didn't know what to say exactly. I thought of Emily and that night we spent together her in my arms. The loving tender way she kissed me. I looked at Mike and immediately I knew what to say. "Mike I can't stop loving her and I won't. And I am not going to let her stop loving me. I'm fixing this she will not live with him another minute."

"Harry she stays with her dad for a reason. She think if she leaves he would feel as if he lost everyone. She endures the pain to watch him to keep him from hurting herself." I took it all in. I have to get her away from him no matter what. I can't have her living in that house knowing what he does to her it kills me just to know. I cracked my knuckles standing and so did Mike.

"Bye Mike."

"Bye Harry." I opened the door and was just about to leave. "Oh and Harry you can't tell anyone. I mean it."

"Okay bye Mike." I left and jogged back to my car jumping inside and calling Emily. When it went to voice mail I got automatically worried. I drove off. My hands tightened on the wheel and I realized where I was heading. Emily must be home. I wondered if she was hurt or... I couldn't finish the sentence. I pressed my foot more on the gas speeding to her house...

Then everything went black....


  A/N: Hey guys hoped liked this chapter it was intense for me to write! But not much to say. Anyways I love you all. And please if you are dealing with any problems such as abuse cutting body image please please talk to me. I will listen without judgement and only give advice if you ask for it. But if you need to rant or say things about it then inbox me even if you want to just get it off your chest. I love you alllllllllllll soooooooooooooo much!!!!! :)

Much Love


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