Chapter 2

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I squeezed in at Alice's flat not wanting to disturb the others. Harry walks in smiling already going to greet the others. From time to time he looks back at me with that gorgeous crooked smile. I smile back as Alice comes up to me. "Okay so what do you think we should watch? Horror or romantic?" Personly I would of gone with romantic but if we decided horror I could snuggle with Harry.

"Horror deffinitly." Alice spun away on her heels leaving me alone. I turned away from everyone quickly feeling the scars. I let out a sigh of relief its been almost two hours since I was able to feel them.

"Emily?" I jumped at the sound of my name quickly putting my hand at my side. it was Niall I gave him a smile. I'm not thinking of my problems tonight I reminded myself.

"Hey Niall what's up?"

"Are you going to come and watch the movie?"

"Oh yeah deffinitly." I followed Niall over to where everyone was laying. she had brought out her mattress and plenty of blankets and pillows. The last spot left was next to Harry. I looked up at Alice and she gave me an eye wiggle. Was it that obvious I liked him? I took a sigh sitting next to Harry. He put an arm around me lowering his lips to my ear.

"If you get scared just tell me I can keep you safe." Even though Harry was smiling my thoughts went to my dad. You can only keep me safe from so much.

"Promise?" I said smiling doing my best to flirt.

"Always." The movie start and everyone went quite. I actually did get pretty creeper out. I snuggled into Harry a few times covering my eyes. When I did he held me tight. Everytime I gasped I could feel his grip tighten then release. Soon everyone but Harry and I fell asleep. "Come to a different room." I nodded as he helped me up. We went to Alice's room turning on a table side lamp then sitting crossed legged on the floor.

"Harry what is it? Are you okay?" he was picking at the Loos strands on the carpet.

"I'm fine I just don't want to go to bed yet but I do not want too stay up by myself." I nodded his explanation seeming legit.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked eyeing him. I wanted so bad to touch my scars but at the same time I wished I wasn't a cutter.

"Just anything. How was your day?" I smiled.

"It was really good. Sorry I didn't talk much at dinner I'm not always the best with crowds." Or boys.

"Its alright. How much do you know about me?"

"Not much at all other then what I heard at dinner." He looked at me as if I was strange like I should know him. "How are your parents?"

Both sets? Their good. My mum is amazing. What about your parents?" A lump begain to grow in my throat as I thought of my mum.

"My mum pasted away 3 years ago. My dad doesn't deal well." He touched my cheek as if he was whipping something away just then did I notice I was crying. I whipped my own foolish tears.

"I'm sorry Emily I didn't know."

"Its fine Harry you couldn't of." I gave him a smile of graditude as he started to change the subject.

"So how long have You and Alice been friends?"

"Since we were five. We did the stupidest stuff most of it was her idea. She's crazy in all of the good ways a person can be crazy. She helps me come out of my shell." I smiled at myself thinking of when Alice and I were little.

"She seems fun."

"She is. How did you meet the boys?"

"We were in a band that was out of our garage. We didn't get very far as you can see. But thru it all we stayed friends." I looked at the time one thirty. I new I had to be up early to get home before my dad and do chores. But I did not want to stop talking to Harry.

"I'm sorry cut things sort Harry but I have to be home early tomorrow." he nodded then got up helping me up.

"Do you mind if we cuddle together? I'm not good with scary movies." I smiled at him agreeing. We laid down next to each other within minutes we were sound asleep.

The next morning I woke up at nine. I got up but woke Harry up. "Where are you going?"


"Let me see your phone." I handed it to him as he put his number in there. He stood up and gave me a hug. My dad shouldn't be home till twelve. Good that means I had just enough time to do everything.

Walking in the door I stopped dead in my tracks. Wishing I could be anybody else right now.

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