Chapter 30

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Harry's POV

Louis drove me back to the flat and I raced up the stairs flinging open the door. I went to her bedroom then the one we once shared. There was a note on the bed. I picked it up sitting on the bed  and read it. 

'Dear Harry,

I am sorry it is ending this way. I had a good time while it lasted, thank you for being kind and pacient when it was hard. I love you as I will always love you. It wasn't meant to be you could tell from the start. Harry, I'm at a loss for words now so I guess this is goodbye.' 

I laid back on the bed tears swelling up in my eyes. I rushed out the door and back to Louis's car. "The airport!" I shouted. Louis peeled down the street going as fast as he could without trying to be pulled over. 

Finally at the airport I raced inside and ran up to the desk. "When is the next flight to New York?" She typed away at her computer, I slowly grew irritated. 

"Tomorrow at seven." 

"When was the latest flight?" 

"Today they just boreded they are taking off now." I ran to the window looking at the take off lane. The plane was slowly taking off and I knew there was nothing I could do. I crashed to the ground pulling my knee's into my chest. I rocked back and forth crying my heart out. Louis found me and pulled me into his arms. I cried and cried there for what felt like hours. Lou picked me up and brought me to the car. 

For days I would sleep most of the time, eat only some days, cry everyday. I lost my will to do anything. The boys would try to stop by coming in and finding it darker then the bottom of the ocean. They would try to talk and I would groan, soon just telling them to go away. 

I wondered about Emily everyday and what she was doing. I tried calling but it was no use; she got her number changed. I tried to find her new one that also was useless. So we were out of touch. I could go to New York and try to find her, but she never told me the college. 

So Emily was gone till she came to find me, which I doubt she will do. I wouldn't if I were her. 

Nights I lay awake just trying to remember everything about her. Crazy her details weren't going fuzzy. And I hoped they never would. 


*A Year Later*

Emily's POV

A year later I went back to see Alice. I had cut my short, finding when I painted it was a lot easier to deal with. My style has also changed, more vintage. I had found that when I paint I felt much less need to cut. At home even a year after Harry was still my main focus for painting. Crazy how things can change. 

I was walking down the street trying to remember where the Starbucks was. I was walking through the park when I spotted it. I walked faster and found Alice sitting in a booth sipping away at her coffee. I waved and quickly got my drink, I sat across from her with an eager smile on my face.

"So tell me everything!" I said with glee. 

"Oh you know Niall's a doll." She said falshing her hand in a big gestrue. I grabbed it and noticed the rock on her finger. 

"You're engaged! No way!" 

"Yes! And you have to come to the wedding next year." 

"Wow a whole other year of waiting." She shurgged.

"Yeah but we want it to be perfect. So tell me how's New York, when do you go back?" I smiled at her questions, she always knew how to keep a conversation going.

"New York's great, but actually I'm not going back. I switched to a a local university here. I'm moving back into the old house my dad left me."

"You could move in with Niall and I for awhile. I don't want it to bring back bad memories." After I left I had told Alice what my dad did. She was mad I didn't tell her sooner naturally. She still understood why I didn't, she got the cutting though she didn't except it. Alice still loves me all the same and I love her. Our friendship is still the same but stronger. We tell each other more then we did a year ago. It was incredible to have a friend like her. 

"Thanks but I'm fine really. That counselor helped a lot. I came to terms with it and I forgave him. He lost the love of his life and he didn't know how to deal with it, I couldn't deal well with losing her either." It was true. I didn't cut anymore and I understood why my dad beat me. There was no excuse for it but in the end he was my dad. I concentrated on the good memories and it helped; I smiled a lot more. 

"Well just in case. But were all watching movies tonight. Please come?"

"Is Harry going to be there?"

"Yes but it'll be fine. It's been a year. Please for me?" She gave me an ear to ear smile. I traced a scratch in the table over and over; till it became memorizing. Harry...his kiss still burned on my lips, his touch edged in my skin, his hazel eyes forever frozen in my mind. Alice touched my hand bringing me back. 

"I'll go. It'll be nice to see everyone again." I gave her a weak smile, it being all I could muster up. 

"Yes! Okay it starts at seven. Be there or be square." I laughed at her lame joke. We stood up ready to leave. I gave her a huge hug. "It was nice to see you again. I've really missed you."

"I know, I've missed you too." We said our goodbyes and whipped our tears. She left and I went to go get ready for tonight. 

I was freaking out about seeing Harry again. It was crazy that he could even get my stomach tied up in knots still. I smiled to myself, after being away from him I realized how much I wanted to see him. And how much I dreaded it. 

I went back home after picking up some new clothes and a pair of pajama's. Walking through the house didn't faze me at all like I thought it would. I went up stairs and saw that it was five thrity. I took a half an hour shower, took out the new clothes; a pink 'Love Pink' shirt that hung off my shoulders going down to my forearm, and a pair of light grey sweat shorts. I left my hair down because it was too short to put in a bun; addding makeup. Mascarea, light eyeliner on the top eyelid and nuteraul  eye shadow. I started to leave then ran back and grabbed some lip gloss. I left heading to Alice's. 

Harry it's going to be good to see you. 

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