Chapter 21

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Harry's POV

I woke up in a hospital bed yet again it was starting to get old. I looked down at myself noticing nothing was broken again. I lifted my hand to my face and I could feel cuts and some bruises coming on. Then a very familiar cheering voice rang from left. "Hey mate your awake good to see you."

"Louis what happened?"

"You don't remeber?"

"Not all of it." He took a heavy sigh in before telling the story.

"You and Emily left the bar and I assume she was driving. She was coming to a stop light and started speeding up. Then something happened in the car. And you two went off the side of the road hitting a tree a huge tree. You crawled out of the car and Em was stuck. They had to pry her out broke your window mate sorry. But I checked on Emily she's okay. Still not completely awake but she's on some heavy drugs."

"Why is she on drugs?"

"Well she shattered her arm so they had to do surgery. Now when she goes through airport surcrity she'll set the dinger off." He laughed at his own joke. "She has a metal plate in it and some screws holding it together. She's nor allowed to drive for two weeks. I guess that's a good thing right now." He stared at me getting serious. "And she has many many cuts on her arms they think it was when the glass got her. But all summer she hasn't worn a short sleeve. Harry what does she do?"

"Nothing it was the glass."

"I might act like a child but a fool I am not." I bit my lower lip I wasn't going to give away Emily's secret not like this.

"I can't tell you. You have to aske her yourself."

"I will." He stood but he didn't go out the door intstead he pulled open the curtain next to us to reveal Emily sitting up in her bed coming in and out of sleep. "Emily why do you have cuts onyour arm."

"I cut myself because my mum is dead and my dad gets drunk and beats me. That's why I went to live with Harry. But it was easy to do so because he truely loves me and he promised to keep my secret as I hope you will do." Then she was out. If I known she was much easier drugged to get the truth out of, I would have done it ages ago.

"When am I getting out of here?" I tried to change the subject but Louis wasn't having it.

"Harry how long have you known?"

"The day after we made love, I talked to her friend Mike." I laid my head down really not wanting to talk about it.

There were a million things I could have done, I thought of all of them.  With every single one I would lose Em. Turning her dad over to the authorities then she would be mad at me and never talk to me again. Tell a counselor and she would punch me in the face and leave. Ask Alice what to do and then I would have broken my promise. Any of them I wouldhave tobreak thepromise I made to her.

"We have to tell someone. Harry she could kill herself."

"No Lou you can't tell anyone because she's drugged she might not even remeber she told you. Emily would think I told people and then everything I worked for would be for nothing."


"Louis if you tell anyone we will no longer be friends." He stood from sitting on my bed. He ran a hand through his hair letting out a sigh avoiding eye contact with me.

"Harry we all love Emily, and we can't let her go out a wayshe shouldn't."

"Louis I'm serious if you tell anyone you can consider us enimies."

"Harry I love you and I love Emily what happens, happens."

He left and I turned in my bed to look over at Emily. When she slept her eye lashes laid heavily on her cheeks, her chest rose and fell. "Emily I will keep your secret, whatever it takes." I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling till I fell alseep. My last words I whispered playing over and over in my head.

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