Chapter 6

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I was going downstairs with my duffle bag when I noticed my dad had a beer in his hand. I slightly started for the door to sit on the pourch till Harry arrived just as I was slipping out the door my dad turned in his recliner. His glare preiced every part of me. I sttod there folding my hands in front of me. "Where in the hell are you going?" His words were slurred obivous that that one isn't his first drink of the night. I was chewing on my bottom lip. Oh shit...

"Well I'm going to work then spending the night at Alice's like you said I could." He started grumbling and getting up staggering towards me.

"I know what I say!" I turned for the stairs smelling the alcohol on his breath made me gag. "Did I say I was done talking!" I barely got a foot on the steps when he grabbed my pony tail pulling me to the floor. I landed with a scream and a crash hitting my head on a end table placed next to the steps. Everything went black for a few minutes before I woke up to my dad walking away going back to his recliner. I laid there dazzed no way I was staying home. I pulled myself up flinching at every move as it sent a pain through my entire body. I climbed up stairs to put on more make up. Setting my duffle bag on my bed I went to my dresser opening a drawer with such force. Reaching for the blade I pluked it out taking off my jacket putting it to my skin. Once, twice, three cuts. As the red candle wax like blood dripped down my arm I noticed Harry would be here anytime. I washed it out doing my usual routine  put more makeup on. My dad must have it me in the face when I blacked out. I grabbed my duffle bag my dad was passed out on the couch and I made it outside. I was sitting on the curb and I could feel tears starting to prickle at my eyes. Only a few tears escaped till Harry pulled up in his fancy car. I whipped them away before climbing in the car and putting on my best smile.

"Are you okay Emily?" I looked at him, I really didn't think he was going to ask that.

"Well hello to you too Harry."  A weak smile spread across my face but his was still hard. The smile disappered. "I'm fine Harry I just haven't been sleeping well." He nodded.

"Alright." He smiled at me going to a brighter note. "So movie night? Are you are for this?"

"Oh yeah I've been looking forward to seing the guys again." I laughed as he started the car. The whole way we talked it always seemed like we had something to talk about. Still always avoding the subject about my parents.

"This one time when we were still doing the band thing we were performing. There was a good crowd there too. Well i was walking across the stage just finishing up a note when I tripped over a cable, I was so embarrssed. The guys could tell too because they ended up falling on purpose just so it wouldn't look like I tripped. Those boys are the best lads I know." I smiled as Harry talked about the boys. Alice and I had a similar relationship.

Harry was a charmer when he smiled with his dimples sticking out. I wanted to kiss him but we were in the friendzone. That could be forever for all I know. But wasn't it better to keep Harry Harry at a distance with all of my problems...

Harry POV

There was something wrong with Emily I could tell when she got in the car her eyes were puffy and her make up was heavier then normal. Her face even looked a bit swollen. I wanted to touch it I just wanted to hold her. We were already close but yet she kept me at a distance. Pulling the drive to my flat I ran out and opened her door and grabbed her bag. I opened my door and everybody was already here. Louis and Eleanor, Liam and Danielle, Niall and Alice, Zayn and Perrie. Blankets were laying over the blow up matresses a plalethra of pillows. This surely did look like a slumber party. That's when Alice came rushing up to Emily. "Emily what happened to you?" She looked herself over.

"Nothing probably from when I fell earlier." She never told me anything of falling. I looked at her quizzically. Alice shrugged it off moving away to something new. Emily took a breath as I walked up to her.

"Ready for the movie?" She nodded and I went ot get drinks and a bag of pop corn. We sat together on the couch. My heart was racing for a taste of her cherry lips. I restrained myself for not wanting to lose her as a friend. The movie started.

Half way through the movie Emily fell asleep leaning on my shoulder. Quietly I  stepped around everyone bring Emily to my room. Laying her on my bed she woke up sitting up. "Sorry I didn't mean to wake you I was bringing you to my room to sleep." She nodded going underneath my covers. I got up starting for the door.

"Where are you going?" She whispered. I tured looking at her pointing towards the door. "Nope this is your bed. I'm not sleeping in a weird room be mysel." She smiled sheepishly. I went to the bed crawling under the covers. Emily laid her head down facing me I laid down facing her. "You know Harry I've never met someone like you before."

"Well that makes me glad. Emily you're different too it's something about you."

"Is it at least a good different?"

"One of the best." She gave me awide smile and I returned the favor. She yawned and right then I wanted to kiss her forehead. "Goodnight beautiful Emily."

"Goodnight hndsome Harry." I watched her fall asleep her eyes fluttering. Till they stopped reating on her rosey cheeks. Soon after I fell alseep... 

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