Chapter 20

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Harry's POV

As we walked into the club Emily looked neverous. I grabbed her waist pulling her to the bar and ordered us some drinks. I got her something more fruity where you can taste the alcohol but it wasn't over powering, for myself I got something way stronger, whisky. She sipped her drink looking around just as the other lads and their girlfriends came in. I patted them all on the back as they took a seat at the bar. Emily sat her glass down the drink completely gone. I ordered her another one and one more whisky for me. "Hey Em! " Danielle was shouting a drink already in her hand."Let's go find a proper table." Emily nodded taking her drink with her. They left us boys here alone.

"Harry Emily..." Lou gave a wolf whislte.

"Cool dude."  I said watching him. We all knew how he was when he was drunk, flirty and even more of a trouble maker.

"I'm just saying." He put his hands up in protest. I shrugged off his comment and downed another drink. I felt a slight buzz and it was quite nice.

"I'm going to find her." I took off another drink in hand. There she was with the other girls laughing. She had a few shot glasses in front of her and a different drink the I had ordered her. She left her seat stumbling a bit and took off in the crowd. Now I couldn't see her at all. I pushed my way through the crowd. And she was dancing with another guy. I grabbed her wrist pulling her away. I grabbed her waist pulling her in my own arms.

"HARRY!" She was pretty buzzed, as she leaned into me more using me for support. There was a slight slur to her words. But she wasn't pushing me away so I held her tighter. We sawyed back and forth while everybody else grinded on each other. She laid her head on my shoulder and I couldn't help but smile. "I'm thirsty." She complained. I lead her back to the bar and she took a seat.

"A water."

"No whisky please." The bar tendered nodded and came back with a glass of whisky. She gulpped half of it before sending it down.


"I never drank before! I see why my dad does it! It's calming and makes your whole body buzz!" I grabbed her shoulders and made her look at me.

"Maybe you shouldn't drink so much."

"Please my dad does it all the time I can handle myself." She picked up the glass and brought it to her lips. "Let me get your keys I want to go lock my purse in the car."

"Let me do it."

"No Harry I want to. I need some air and space to myself." I dug in my pocket and handed her my keys.

"Hurry back." She went out the door but I couldn't help but to follow. I heard a car start and ran out the door. She was in the front seat of my car alrieady backing up. I ran diving in the passenger's seat. "Where the hell do you think your going?"

"I have to see my dad. I have toknow if he's alright."

"Emily you're drunk."

"No I'm thinking clear. I have to know he's okay." She pulled out of the parking lot going the oppisite way of her house.

"Well for starters you might want to go the right way." She stopped the car and I caught myself before I knocked my head on the dash. She did a U-turn heading the other way a bit frustrated. I picked up my phone dialing Louis.

"Hey mate!"

"Louis your pretty sober right?"

"Course what you need."

"I need you and Eleanor to follow me and Emily. She's driving and I want you to just look out for us okay?"

"On my way."

"We just pasted back by the bar."  Lou hung up and a few moments later he was behind us. "Emily slow down its a red light."

"I'd rather speed up." She did. I reached out trying to grabbed the wheel. She yanked it the other way. I heard her scream and I just gasped. Then everything went black. I could hear Louis in the back ground he was yelling at Eleanor to call someone while trying to scream our names.

My vision started to come back when I realised it was now raining and I was lying on the pavement. I tried to move but paing shot through me stopping me. I swallowed some kind of liquid back before I could get a few words out. "" Lou grabbed my hand stroking it looking ahead.

"She's stuck in the car Harry...Harry, Emily is..." That's when my world came crashing down.

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