Chapter 27

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Harry's P0V

"Emily, will you marry me?" There was a lump in my throat, and my hands were growing clammy. My heart was beating like a jack rabbit. Why did I ask this question? Sure we were in love but Emily was leaving this weekend. How is to know that when she goes to New York that we will even stay together.  

Suddenly I got very nervous and didn't want to hear her answer. I just wanted to say kidding. But I didn't I kept my heart on the line. She sighed looking at the ground.

"No Harry. I love you, but I'm moving to New York these are my last few days lets not spend them like this okay?" She looked away from my eyes. I laid down looking at the stars I couldn't believe it. I felt broken, I've never really felt that before. It was like a clock that stopped working and all of a sudden time stopped. Emily laid down next to me putting her head on my chest.

I called her mine, but yet she wasn't really mine. Our worlds had collided but never joined in the right places. Crazy how you can love someone without knowing why or when or how. She was a whirl wind of emotions that I never could, and I know I'll never get the handle of. We were missing puzzles peices but couldn't find that peice yet that should link us together.

"Hello?" Emily was on the phone I hadn't even realized she picked it up. She had her legs spread out in front of her and it looked as if it was a serious conversation. I sat up my ears perking up. I looked at her with a confused glance as she continued chewing on her bottom lip.

Something was wrong.

Emily's POV

"Hello?" I said picking up my phone. It was a number I didn't realise so I figured I better.

"Yes hello..." the voice was of a grown man. He spoke proper and without much emotion. "Are you the daughter of a Mike Graver?"

"Yes." I was becoming worried now who did my father owe money to?

"Well ma'am I have some important news for you. I'm sorry to tell you this over the phone. I'm Doctor Grady, we have your father in the hospital, he tried to kill himself." My world went spinning. This wasn't my father? They have to be mistaken. No no...

"No no no no... that can't be true. Not my father. Are you sure?"

"He's at Murphy hospital if you wish to speak with him. Room 110. I'm sorry," he humg up and I wanted to crash and burn right there. Sure he wasn't the best father but he was my father. I sprang up looking around frantically, Harry touched my hand making me realise he was there still.

"What is it?" he asked a worried expression on his face.

"My dad tried to kill himself he's in the hospital."

"Which one?"

"Murphy..." I started to cry, I didn't even know if he was going to make it. The last piece of my childhood could be lost. And then I would be in utter turmoil.

My dad is a piece of shit, I get that. It's like loving Harry. I don't know why when or how. Harry is the love of my life. My dad is still my dad...

"Let's go." He said quickly grabbing the stuff. We head for his car, and sped off for the hospital.

I figured dad was content with drinking, I was seriously wrong. Tragedies can change a person for better or worse. Whether its a small thing, big thing, many things, there's tragedies for everyone. Some come by it less often and late in life, others it seems to hit them all the time, when something is going is tossed right out the window. I'm one of those people. Damaged by tragedy, wise from hurt. Maybe if I didn't have the turmoil in life I wouldn't be me, and that wouldn't be all that bad.  

Harry wouldn't be in my life and that would make it a lot easier to leave.

We pulled into the hospital and I all of a sudden didn't want to be here. I wanted to be at the beach with Harry snuggling under the stars. I closed my eyes wanting the scene to change. Harry touched my arm and slowly I opened my eyes. The place was the same the hospital and my father awaited my arrival.

"You ready to go in?" his face was kind and not a bit of 'I really dislike you right now because you messed my night and declined my marriage proposal'. Which was a big relief to me.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I said starring at the white building. A lump was growing in my throat. How could this be happening?

We climbed out of the car. I felt guilty even more so now for leaving him alone. But if I didn't leave then would be the one in the hospital him or me? I thought of this question over and over, as Harry sighed us in and we walked to room 110.

My dad was laying on a bed a tube coming out of his mouth connected to machine that's breathing for him. His eyes looked sunken in and his skin gave off a yellowish blue colour. He didn't look alive one bit, he didn't look like my father I once had, or the drunken asshole I came to know. He was just there a man in a bed with an unknown story to the world, and an unknown daughter.

It wasn't that I realised I was crying till Harry took his hand whipping the tears away with his thumb. I shook my head not evening knowing what to do.

"Can you take me home. Back to our place, I can't be here right now."  Harry just shook his head. He grabbed me around the waist leading me out the door, half carrying me. I was lucky to have him. More then he would ever know...

A/N: Okay so I hoped you guys liked this chapter sorry it took so long to put up, I know it must have been killing you with the cliff hanger. Well you guys are amazing really I couldn't do this with out you. You goys are my inspiartion for writing this really. You all mean the world to me!!!

Well anyway,vote and please please comment!

You are all the best!!!! Read some of my  other fan fics!!!!

I love you all!

Much love,


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