Chapter 9

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Alice's POV

I wasn't sure how I was going to get Emily and Harry together but surely with Niall's help I could make it happen. Operation something. I will find a name for it later. I walked over to Niall putting my arm on his waist. I laid my head on his shoulder and he gave a little chuckle looking down at me. I let out a heavy sigh and we walked away from the fire a beer in his hand. At the water edge we stopped and looked at it taking everything in. I turned to him giving him a light kiss. "Niall?"

"Hmm?" He said looking down at me. I bit my thinking of what to say first.

"Harry and Emily what do you think of it?" He looked over the water puzzling about it.

"Their great together but their not. It saddens me to see they're not together. But its Harry's choice and he loves having her as a friend he doesn't want to mess that up."

"And nor does she. But she loves him I see it her eyes. Emily its hard for her to take a liking to people much less fall in love. I was the only friend she had till all of you came along. She's has changed in ways I didn't think possible."

"But she has secrets yes?"

"I guess from you guys yeah."

"No." He said turning to me grabbing my shoulders. "Something she is keeping from all of us even you." Instantly that made me mad to think that Emily would keep a secret from me even though we've been friends for years. I chewed this over in my head then I looked back up at Niall.

"Well then we have to get her to confess it to Harry. Operation..."

"Truth. Operation truth." He looked down at me smiling. Niall gave me a little kiss and I couldn't help but giggle. I kissed him back wrapping my arms around his neck.

"We should get back before they think we're making babies out here." I laughed knowing Niall and I have both committed to wait till marriage. I think that's why we get on so well. Emily was hanging around Harry laughing and talking smiling away at him. When she caught me looking she smiled looking back and forth between me and Harry. I gave her a wink and she laughed turning her attention back to Harry. They really were a good fit and it hurts that she was keeping her at a distance. I was determined to get them together. They will be and I was going to make it happen one way or another.

Emily's POV

I caught Alice staring at me without a smile on her face so I gave her one and when she winked I laughed. Harry stared at me the fire dancing off his beautiful hazel eyes. I wanted to touch his hair and mess it up in ways that were quite dirty. I giggled at myself and Harry squeezed my side. I would have to keep him at a distance so both us wouldn't be hurt. I wanted to cry knowing how much I liked him and knowing also that we couldn't be together. I whipped my eyes as they started to sting. I leaned into Harry resting my head on his shoulder he looked at me and smiled. I wanted him to tell me he loves me and for me to say it back but instead..."Are you tired?" He asked.

"No I'm just I'm not going home tonight."

"Where are you staying?"

"Alice's at least I think so." Just then she came up to me taking me by the arm pulling me a little from Harry. He was still in ear shot.

"Um Emily I have something to tell you." I raised my eyebrow at her. "I'm staying at Niall's tonight perhaps we can drop you off at home?" I looked down before Harry stepped in.

"That's alright Alice she can stay with me tonight. The other boys are in their own flats tonight with their girlfriends so I will be alone." Alice's smile turned bigger then it should have.


"Would you like that Emily?"

"Yes!" Then I laughed and we went back to stand at the fire my head in his chest as he was cracking jokes. Tonight was special and I was going to make it memorable to last me my whole life.


Author's note: Thank you guys for reading! Hope you like the story and the chapter! Sorry it took me so long to update it but I have many plans for the next chapter. Please comment and vote and keep reading!!!! It means a lot to me thank you all I love you all soooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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