Chapter 16

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Harry's POV

I woke up the next morning heading straight for the kitchen. Taking out eggs, sausages and other mixings for an omelette, I started to cook. I thought of Emily last night and her twirling with the humming. I saw the spatula on the counter on the other side of the room, looking around I saw Emily was still not up. I twirled to the other side of the kitchen singing 'What Makes You Beautiful' by that one boy band, trying to stay a wee little bit quite not to wake Emily. In one of my twirling moments I caught a glimpse of someone, stopping I saw it was Emily. She was leaning on the post her arms folded. "You're right that does look weird."

"I was..."

"Making me breakfast. And that song 'What Makes You Beautiful' nice singing." I could feel a blush coming on. What in the bloody hell I do not blush! I make the girls blush. I looked at what Em was wearing. She had on silk short shorts and a long sleeve button up shirt...wait a minute.

"Nice outfit. I see you're wearing my shirt. Why?"

"Well I forgot I usually sleep in a tank top and I don't like it when you stare at my arms."

"Sorry I don't try too."

"That's why I always wear a long sleeve shirt."

"You didn't yesterday."

"It was hot." She waved me off. I went back to cooking humming as when she ate her food last night. I laid her plate out with her omelette.

"Eat up don't want you to starve."

"Are you calling me fat?" She said pushing away the plate. I sighed and started on my food.

"If I was calling you fat I would of said fat. Honestly you could use a few extra pounds."

"So could you." She pulled the plate back to her and started to eat. "Fine this is good."

"Wow no fight." She stuck her tongue out at me and laughed. I gave her a grin sitting down at the table.

"I don't always fight."

"You do trust me, like you are right now." She rolled her eyes and finished her food.

"Done. I have to take a shower then stop by Alice's, then go to work."

"Remember don't get something to eat."

"I won't." She left.


After Emily left for work I called up the boys and Alice. They agreed and listened coming right over. I walked up to rooftop seeing how plain it was. There were pillars holding up wooden beams, pots, broken ones too. But the one thing that I liked the most and it wasn't so plain, was the wooden self made arch. A small table and two chairs sit under it and I knew exactly what I was going to do.

I let everyone in my flat and they were excited. They all bought flowers of different kinds. Alice bought the Chinese lanterns', Liam the Christmas lights, and Zayn the food. I rubbed my hands together. "We have till six." We all went to the rooftop and got busy.

After we were all finished I took a step back looking at our master piece. The Christmas lights (the ones that go on the front of your house that hang down) were hanging from the beams up top. Flowers were planted everywhere, I personally put flowers in the arch, and the Chinese lanterns' were hung everywhere. "Great job guys."

"Harry the food is in the oven staying warm."

"Thanks we have twenty minutes left."

"She'll love it." Liam said putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"Let's hope. You guys better go I'll tell all of you how it went tomorrow." They all left saying goodbyw and good luck.


I heard the door slam and I saw Emily come in. She went straight to her room. Five minutes later she came back out. "Alright Harry I'm starving what's for dinner." She sat on the couch next to me.

"Well let me get in but, we're not eating inside tonight." I quickly got up and put the food on two plates, putting those on a platter then covering them. "Let's go."

"You're not bring me to any murders are you?"

"No. Up the fire escape there." She opened the door going up. The we came to the rooftop door. "Open it." She did and gasped.

"Harry! How long has this been up here? It's beautiful!" She turned hugging me. "You are the best person ever."

"Well it came today, everyone helped me out, the boys and Alice anywho. But when you told me of the story of your mum and the stars I wanted to do something special for you. And the lights can be considered stars."

"That's why she cancelled on me."

"Right. So shall we?" She walked slowly to the arch taking everything in. She sat looking up.

"My stars?"

"Your stars."

"Harry this is really beautiful. Thank you."  I opened the lid revealing the plates of spaghetti and meat balls. I sat a plate in front of her and gave her a fork then siting down myself.

"Wine?" I said pulling out two glasses and a red bottle of wine.

"Why not." I poured them handing her a glass. "Its good."

"Good. So how was your day at work?"

"It was great. No problems today at all."  She smiled taking a bite. "This is amazing!"

"Well I can't take the credit. It was Zayn's doing."

"Well Zayn is great at spaghetti." She smiled taking another bite. For a few minutes we ate in silence, till Em cleared her throat.

"How was your day?"

"It's going great." I looked at her setting my fork down. "Emily we have to talk."

"Not this Harry not here."

"No we have too. I love you and I know you love me. But you have to understand that I don't want to hurt you. I want you to..." I tried searching for the words. "Simple I love you and we can't go on like nothing happened."

"Who said I'm pretending? I know that we love each other and that's why we can't be together. Its better to lose you now then later and having it hurt worse in the process."

"It won't."

"My mum died I loved her and I love you. If I were to try something with you one of us will be hurt or worse." She got up to leave, and I stepped in her path not letting her go this time.

"We can make it work." Then I pressed my lips to her and I could feel the warmth on them. My hand cupped her face my other in the small of her back. I could stay like this forever, but that forever was lived short. Emily pulled away whipping her lips and her eyes dry.

"We can't." Then she walked off leaving me there alone to stand there with my thoughts.

"We can." I whispered into the night.  

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