Chapter 24

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Emily's POV

*Next week.

I had a week left with Harry now I was regretting going to New York for school. I knew no one, but wasn't that the reason I wanted to go there in the first place? Be someone completely different  go somewhere no one knew of my mother and have those eyes of sarrow look at me. Where nobody knew of my father and he couldn't mess things up. Be that someone I always wished of being, being... I looked up at the ceiling of my own beroom in Harry's flat.Being that girl who I am when I'm with Harry. I pondered these thoughts, when Harry knocked on my door. "Yeah?"

"Lunch is here." He came walking in and sat on my bed. "You okay?"

"Yeah just thinking."

"You're thinking? About what?"

"New York." I didn't have to say more. Harry just got me inthat way, we connected its like he always knew what I was thinking. He knew my fears and my dreams.

"Then don't go stay here."

"I already have a dorm up there. I can't back out now this is what I wanted my whole life."

"What are you going for anyway?"

"Major in journalist and minor in art. At the school I applyed to I can do all of that." I sat up resting my  head on my knee. i truely madly deeply was in love with Harry. Now not being sure of the school I wanted to go to scared me half to death. My major and minoir would and will never change.

"Babe no matter where you go you can do whatever you want. You're subborn strong headed you go for what you want you will succeed." I snuggled more into him. He was my everything and anything. Forever and always. Whenever I was down I could count on him to cheer me up. I sighed and laid into his chest. Automatically his bighand went to my head stroking my lightly blonde hair, it was comforting knowing I always had him. Even if it was only for little while.

Harry's POV

People live for the moments like this right? To hold the one they love so dearly close to them. Breathe the air they breathe, share the same dreams so it makes one. It's crazy how fast I fell for this girl. To me she was perfect, a few heart breaking truths. But this is life, with all the crazy twists and turns, the heartbreaking truths. When life gives you complications you run with them, you don't hide, you don't coward away from it being something more then it is. Maybe just maybe...

This is what love is all about.

Emily caught my attention as she was now standing in her door way. I smiled at her she grinned back, my stomach did a flip as always when she looked at me. "So?"

"What?" I asked in confusion. She threw her head back and started to laugh.

"Lunch you ready?" I forgot we had sandwitchs I just bought from a deli down the street. Me a apple juice to go with and her a coke. Her sandwitch was apple smoked bacon, roast beef, lettice, tomato, yellow cheese on Italian bread. Mine was ham. turkey. apple smoked bacon, lettice, tomato, provalon on Italian herbs and cheese.

"Completely forgot."

"Okay if that would have came from Niall I would be extrmely worried. Next time I'm just going to start eating because I'm starving." She stuck her tongue out at me and ran. I quickly got up and chased her into the kitchen. Emily sat down opened her coke digging into her lunch as I did the same.

"What day are you leaving?"

"Sunday." She said grimly. I frowned at my lunch. That gave me six days. Saturday would be the going away party. kInd of sad people called it a party huh? I mean you're throwing a party for someone to leave that you love deeply. Kind of corrupt when you think of it.

"Well what do you want to do tonight? Anything your little heart desires." She pursed her lips sitting back in her chair.

"Well it's more of tomorrow...but six flags?"

"Deal. Plans for tomorrow. Anything tonight?" She looked up at the ceiling taking my question into consideration.

"Alright... How about tonight we watch movies like we used to?"

"Sounds perfect." I gave her a smile. It amazed me she wanted to do something so simple. How can she get anymore perfect?

The smile went away as I realized we only had a short while with each other left. Yeah we could see each other over skype, and when one of us would go there or here. It just wasn't the same being able to spend every waking moment with one another. Coming home and knowing she would be here is a comfort, now I felt like that was being taken away from me.

Emily snapped her fingers bringing me back. I smiled and took a bit. "Are you alright?" She asked her face full of concern.

"I'm fine."

"You know it's not nice to lie to the one's you love." She gave me a smile, she caught me.

"I'm just really going to miss you when you leave that's all."

"Well good thing for electronic's." She sported a grin. I laughed not being able to control myself, why does she have to be so damn cute?

The rest of the day as we waited for night to come knowing that watching movies at night was the best, we played board games, listened to music and danced. When night came around we ran out and got pizza's some popcorn and bought a moive. We bought the coffee table closer to set our drinks on and food. We laid on the couch and she snuggled into my chest, her hair smelled of strawberries. I wrapped my long muscular arms around her and the movie began. The last thing I remember was that we fell alseep on the couch wrapped in each other's arms. It was like a wedded bliss. Spending a whole week in a flat with her for a honey moon would be amazing.

The guilt hit me as I remembered that Louis knew her secret and sometime soon I would have to tell. But not today, not at this perfect moment in time.

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