Chapter 28

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Harry's POV

It was a nice to have Emily need me, for me to feel needed. I barely noticed her scars anymore. Not that she wasn't cutting I couldn't know for sure. To me it seems she was too occupied, and happy.

Then her father tried killing himself and now she blames herself. I spend most of my time with her unless she has to go to work. I drop her off Mike watches her then I pick her back up.

I guess this was our life now. Now she was going to college to get away from it all. She needed this. No matter how much I needed and wanted her, her happiness is what I wanted.

"Harry!!!" I looked up from my cereal bowl and Emily had her head cocked staring at me.


"Are you alright?" Alright its such a light word okay maybe. Is everything really even alright anymore? Is there even a way to tell if you are alright. You can say you are but that doesn't you are. Crazy how you could say one word and everybody will think your alright. Just alright. 

"Yeah I'm alright."

"Okay what's wrong?" 

"I said I was alright." 

"You said it, but you don't sound like it." 

"You know." I shurgged. 

"No I don't know so tell me." 

"Well okay its just that its been weird. Like this was supposed to be a fantanstic week but it's turned into shit. Your leaving tomorrow and I haven't done anything to help."

"Harry.." She placed her hand on mine that was resting on the table. "You have done everything for me. You haven't complained when I went to see my dad knowing what's happened. You keep on loving me even though I'm completely damaged. Your just with me." 

"I'm with you because you're with me. And to be honest I wouldn't change a thing about you because than you wouldn't be my Emily anymore." If I could really turly call her that.

"Harry trust me this week couldn't have been any better." Her smile was intense. I couldn't help but to laughand smile at her cuteness. Then she did as she always had and stuck her tongue out at me.

"This week could have been better with one thing..." I winked at her.

"What's that?"

"A wedding."


"Fine I settle for a kiss."

"Deal." She leaned over the table and gave me a long lasting sexual kiss. Her lips tasted better then real strawberries ever could. Her hair smelled of oney that made me want to put my face in it. We sat back down at our sepreate ends. 

"What should we do tonight then?" 

"Well I kind of made plans for us." I raised an eyebrow at her as an evil smile grew. "Well tonight we are all having dinner at Louis's with the girls everyone. And during the day we are going to a water park." 

"That actually sounds nice." 

"Yes it is. So we both need to get ready, I took a shower before I had my breakfast. So hop in the shower so we can go." I stood up took a shower the put on a pair of swim shorts with a white tank top and some flip flops. I grabbed a towel and went to look for Emily. She was sitting  on the couch already dressed with a towel on her lap. When she stood she had on a pair of jean shorts, a pink 'Love Pink' loose tank top, and simple black flip flops. In something so simple she couldn't have looked better. I took her in my arms she laughed, and I gave her yet another kiss. "We should go the others are going to meet us there." And with that we left going to the water park. 


About an hour later we were at the amusement park. The guys and their girlfriends met us at the gate. We went in and Emily hopped along with the other girls. The were obviously flauting what they have in front of us on purpose, I could tell when Emily looked back at me and stuck her tongue out at me. I fell back a bit thinking what was I going to do without her, when Louis fell in the same step as me. I looked at him but he was staring towards the girls, and I knew who exactly he was staring at.

"What do you want Louis?" Before that day at the hospital Louis and I were very close. We were insperitable, just like brothers. But now we barely talked and barely looked at each other.

"Harry don't start acting like that. We have to talk. How is Emily?"

"Why don't you ask her yourself?"

"Because we both know I want to know more then just the outside." He was right, Louis knew of Emily's past. He had heard her father was in the hospital but yet thought of it as a blessing in disguise. Course he would never say it out loud he's too nice and he generally cares for Emily's well being. Plus he knows if he did say it out loud Emily would freak out on him and tear his ass to shreds. But it was written all over his face on how much he thinks it is a blessing in disguise.

"She's good still doesn't know that you even know. Well she hasn't cut but about her dad..." He shook his head, he knew.

"It's a different story." It was funny how he could still finish my sentences but I guess still underneath we are still the best of friends.

"Harry, Louis!" We looked towrds the girls as Eleanor and Emily called our names. They were in line for a water slide with a whole bunch of twists and turns. It looked amazing Louis and I raced towards the group. I tucked my arm around Em's waist as she wrapped her arm around my waist. She gave me a little teaser on the neck and laughed. She was happy right here. 

Emily and I went down the twisty slide together. I held her waist as she sat inbetween my legs. "Are you ready?"

"Yes!" She yelled pumping her fist in the air. We slide down the water splashing into our faces. She giggles as I hold her just a bit tighter and closer. We reach the end and splash into the pool the at the bottom. Louis and Eleanor were next. We all went to the rides together then went to get lunch. We sat at a picnic table with burgers and fries. Then we went in couples after lunch.

"Where do you want to go my lady?"  We walked hand in hand through the park looking at the rides. She came up to a game of basketball game. 

"Win me a stuff animal." She said with an evil grin streching across her face. 

"Fine but if I win you give me a kiss." 

"Deal." I paid the 5 dollars for three balls. Then the girl pressed a button and the baskets started to move. 

"What is this shit?" I asked ging her a sideways glance. She just laughed and told me to shoot. I postioned myself and ended up missing the first one. I tried again and missed, finally the third try I got it. 

"Okay anything from the bottom shelf." The girl said looking rather bored. I had the choice of a flower, a bear, a key chain, or a hat. I decided with the bear it was the cutest, plus it had a bow tie and bow ties are cool. 

"Alright Harry let's go to the farious wheel." She started to walk away just as I grabbed her hand and spun her back around. I kneeled on one knee and smiled up at her. 

"Will you take this bear as a token of my love?" 

"You are a weird kid you know that?" 

"Yes." She took the bear fighting back a smile. I stood up with a cheeky grin on my face as we walked to the farious wheel hand in hand. As we went around and around I gave her little kisses all over and she just kept giggling. 


A few hours later we meant up with the whole group. "Alright so back to mine and Eleanor's flat for dinner yes?" We all looked at Lou grinning. We all hopped in our cars and headed home. 

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