Chapter 10

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Harry's POV

Alice left with Niall Louis and I stepped out the fire with Liam's supervision. I grabbed Emily around the waist leading her to my car. She got in the passenger's seat and I drove us to my flat. At my flat I unlocked the door and let Emily in first. "Well isn't thing familiar." She laughed her duffle bag on her shoulder. I took her bag and went and set it in my room. "If I'm in your room where are you going to sleep." As I entered back in the room I gave a laugh.

"Well I could sleep in there with you or on the couch. We'll see when the time comes." Her smile grew and did mine. "Would you like some wine?" I lead her to the kichten and she took a seat at the table. I opened the frigde pulling out a bottle smiling she shook her head and I raised my eyebrow at her.

"The oldest one you have." She gave me a smile and I looked for the oldest pulling that out I got us two glasses seating them on the table pouring hers then mine. I sat down taking a drink staring at her from behind my glass. "Shouldn't we toast or something?"

"Toast to what?" She thought about it for a minute then raised her glass.

"To happiness freedom and love." She tapped her glass to her mine the smile wasn't there as she thought about what she said.

"To happiness freedom and love. Where ever those may be." I took a sip. "Emily..." I didn't know what I could say I knew what I wanted to say but that could be dangerous. I wanted to say I love you be with me forever. Every time I look in those eyes I see a forever that could happen. I knew I couldn't say these not unless she were to say them first.

"Harry?" As she said my name I snapped back to reality looking at her. "Emily what?"

"Oh Emily would you like some more?" She really hadn't drank much but she nodded anyway and I poured more in mine as well. She put the glass to her lips taking a long, long sip. "Good?"

"I could drink this whole bottle." I was now buzzing from the few beers I had and the wine. I took a long sip matching hers. I stood up walking over to the stereo turning it only lightly putting on slow dancing music. "Harry what are you doing?" She asked laughing. I drank the rest of my cup pouring more then holding out my hand.

"Dance with me!" I said laughing a huge cheeky grin on my face. She finished her glass pouring herself more then finishing that cup.

"Fine but only because I have a huge buzz. I'm a lightweight."

"I have a buzz but it isn't that bad." She took my hand and I held a finger to her finishing the glass before taking her to living room. I put my hand in the small of her back the other clutching her hand. We moved in slow circles her head resting in my chest as I put my cheek on her head.

"Harry there's something I have to tell you." Her words were slurring as I wanted to laugh at her. "This might come off as strange or...weird but since I have the courage now I might as well tell you." She let out a breath then breathed in quickly letting it out as she talked. "Harry since the first time we kissed and I talked I knew I liked you. Harry the truth is I love you. and if you don't love me back..." I put a finger over her lips stopping her.

"Emily I have been wanting you to say that only because I love you too." She looked at me with wonder. I took my hand out of hers placing it on her neck bringing her to me. I sat there breathing on her lips before lightly putting them to mine. They were hot and wet tasting like cherry making me weak in the knees sending shivers down my back. Emily pushed her lips to mine her arms around my neck tightening. I moved my hands to waist picking her up and spinning her around. Then I picked her up bridal style grabbing the bottle bringing her to my room. It was dark but I kept the lights off. Slipping her into bed we kept kissing more and more. Kissing everywhere till after a hour or so of making love we feel asleep holding each other.


 A/N: Well I hoped you liked this chapter and I know things are getting heated. But the next chapter even better. Hold on to your seats because this is going to...can't say. Sorry guys but FINALLY Emily and Harry have emitted to each other they love one another. Even if the were a bit tipsy. But I can't wait till the next chapter. I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comments please and votes please please please. Chapter 11 here I come....

Much love


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